Alec Baldwin Apologises To Passengers But Not American Airlines – Flight Attendants Call For Boycott Of In-Flight Shows

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American Airlines Attendants call for boycott:

After news that a pressure group in America wants to ban the use of mobiles while driving we now turn to an earlier story we did not cover immediately of another form of transport and mobiles, this time involving a Mr Baldwin of 30 Rock fame, yes Alec has been naughty on board an American Airline plane.

And in protest at Alec Baldwin’s bad behaviour on board the 9th of December flight, after what American Airlines are calling unacceptable behaviour towards their crew members, the American Airlines crew and their union are collectively calling for a boycott to the stars shows that feature on in-flight entertainment such as 30 Rock.

Baldwin refuses to turn off mobile phone:

The whole fiasco started after a simple game of “Words With Friends” turned nasty and upset a few “Angry Birds” on board the plane, Alec was told like the rest of the worlds passengers to turn off his mobile before take off, now I agree with him that there is no hard evidence that a mobile turned on will do anything untoward with the electrics of the plane at take off etc, but seriously Alec, you are not so special that you can get away with flouting a standard airline policy, albeit a seemingly pointless rule, based on no real evidence as far as I am aware.

Angry Birds call for boycott:

Yes those poor trolley dollies in the sky are now going to boycott Mr Baldwin’s shows that sometimes appear as in-flight entertainment.

Their union stated:

“The APFA has requested that American Airlines remove the show from future flights, but would be agreeable to implementing it again if and only if Mr. Baldwin publicly apologizes to American Airlines flight attendants.”

Alec Baldwin apologises to himself:

Alec Baldwin apologises to himself on Saturday Night Live
Alec Baldwin apologises to himself on Saturday Night Live

Oh Alec your such a (t)wit.

On a recent “Saturday Night Live” show he was seen dressed as a pilot delivering a fake apology to himself from American Airlines and then went on to say:

“Would you really get on an airplane that flies 30,000 feet in the air if you thought one Kindle switch would bring it down? C’mon! It’s just a cruel joke perpetrated by the airline industry,”

Baldwin has apologised to fellow passengers for the delay, and said he never intended to cause such a problem, but has stated he will never fly AA again.

Hilarious, yet another airline debacle involving mobiles following the RIM Executives that were thrown of an Air Canada flight for drunken behaviour earlier in December….the tower of Babylon is upon us!

Anthony Munns