Ipad – Mobile News | Mobile Inquirer https://www.mobileinquirer.com Smartphone, Tablet and Technology News and Reviews Fri, 30 Mar 2012 08:26:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3 The New iPad: Revolutionary or Same Old Same Old? https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/the-new-ipad-revolutionary-or-same-old-same-old/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/the-new-ipad-revolutionary-or-same-old-same-old/#respond Fri, 30 Mar 2012 08:26:13 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1928 Apple iPad 3 – a real upgrade or a mere growth spurt?

Apple’s new iPad is out and in circulation among the public, but many question whether it’s any different from its predecessor, the iPad 2.

When comparing the two models side by side, there are in fact subtle differences, the main difference between the two models is the new retina display on the new iPad and the increased battery life.

iPad 3 Retina Display
iPad 3 Retina Display

The new retina screen on the new iPad is revolutionary.

When comparing the two screens, a user can differentiate between the two. The new iPad has 4 times the amount of pixels than the iPad 2.

Retina Display:

If a user looks closely they can see the difference in the sharpness and clarity around icons and text. The retina display has more pixels than most HD tv’s.

The battery in the new iPad is the other biggest difference between the new iPad and the iPad 2, The new battery can power the device for 10 hours and with the LTE turned on, 9 hours.

The new iPad is barely larger than the iPad 2 so the increase in battery life is quite an achievement. There are speculations surrounding possible new battery technology in the new iPad battery.

Although the new battery and screen are achievements, the complaints towards the excessive heat of the device have overshadowed the positives.

The device has been known to get up to 116 degrees and has caused consumers to become very uncomfortable. According to rumors, the cause of the excessive heat happens to be coming from the new AX5 processor in the new iPad.

So considering the lack of major differences between the iPad 2 and new iPad and the overheating issue, I would say that it is not worth it to invest in the new iPad. I would much rather spend less money on the iPad 2 and not have my hands burned then enjoy a new screen. Please leave thoughts and comments below.

Tyler Mikulec]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/the-new-ipad-revolutionary-or-same-old-same-old/feed/ 0
Could The iPad Be Getting Banned In China? https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/apple-removes-ipad-from-amazon-china-issues-with-name/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/apple-removes-ipad-from-amazon-china-issues-with-name/#respond Thu, 16 Feb 2012 17:37:09 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1795 Could Apples iPad be facing the chop in China?

We have only just discussed Apples Chinese iPad rival ErenEben yesterday, so it is intriguing to see that Apple have stopped selling their iPad on the Chinese Amazon website, but why?

Could this be that the iPad 3 is on its way soon, or that Apple are in legal wrangles with the Chinese government over who owns the rights to the term “iPad”.

iPad Ban China
iPad Ban China

Apple in lawsuit with Chinese company Proview:

Apple are currently in legal dealings with a Chinese company going by the name of proview, this matter is related to the use of the term “iPad” which they claim Apple do not own the rights to as they bought it from a subsidiary who was not entitled to sell the name.

If a decision is made against Apple this could mean that they will not be able to sell their popular tablet in the China region, and will kick up quite a storm for the manufacturing relationships that Apple have with China.

Apple requested the pull:

It has been said in TechCruch that it was Apple who instigated the removal of the item from the store, which means that the whole situation is a bit of a mystery as proview have apparently not asked for Apple to stop the sale of the iPad in China.

With the iPad 3 release date imminent, and with proview rumoured to be seeking $1 billion to settle the dispute, there appears to be little trouble in big China right now.

We will be keeping a close ear and eye on this news.

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/apple-removes-ipad-from-amazon-china-issues-with-name/feed/ 0
iPad 3 4G Release Date Likely To Be 4th March https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-4g-release-date-likely-to-be-4th-march/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-4g-release-date-likely-to-be-4th-march/#comments Wed, 15 Feb 2012 15:10:47 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1779 iPad 3 gets early March release date:

A few things have happened of recent to make me think that the release date of the next iPad will actually be early March, with some saying the 4th.

iPad 3 To Have 4G On Verizon and AT&T March 4th Release
iPad 3 To Have 4G On Verizon and AT&T March 4th Release


  • We already predicted it!
  • Certain stores are now selling discounted iPad 2’s
  • Other retailers such as Carphone Warehouse and Orange are stating that they are running out of iPad 2’s
  • Reliable sources at iMore say the same…so it has to be true….;)


So with all this in mind what is all this we hear about 4G on the iPad 3?

Will the iPad have 4G capabilities?

With some 38 or so frequencies that 4G will run on internationally, it is not as easy as manufacturers would like to simply offer 4G connectivity globally, yes it can be done but it currently comes at a price, so with this in mind and the alternative being a domestic 4G device that only works within your own territory what is the likelihood of the next iPad having international LTE 4G capabilities?

Well it seems that the iPad will certainly be 4G enabled in the US as the WSJ has confirmed suspicions that AT&T and Verizon will be host to the new 4G enabled iPad 3. Wether this extends to being global 4G connectivity is doubtful but perhaps an option will emerge at a price.

Unfortunately and rather annoyingly for the UK, the delays that have presented themselves in the roll out of 4G will mean that this new technology will not be available on mass for a few years, so we will probably be on the iPad 4 or 5 by the time this becomes truly relevant in the UK.

New apps means new screen?

It is likely that the much touted retina display will finally get a showing and new Apps being developed will make the most out of the 2048 x 1536 display, processor wise things are a little unclear with reports of an A6 quad core and an improved dual core ARM Cortex A9, which, if any, make the grade I am unsure of.

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-4g-release-date-likely-to-be-4th-march/feed/ 3
App Hustling – Apple Will Not Accept Expat Credit Cards https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/app-hustling-apple-will-not-accept-expat-credit-cards/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/app-hustling-apple-will-not-accept-expat-credit-cards/#respond Mon, 30 Jan 2012 15:53:27 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1721 Apple make expat lives difficult to use the Apple app store:

Do you know someone who has bought a nice new iPad or iPhone who live in another country than where their bank account details perhaps show.

App Store Blocked To Expats
App Store Blocked To Expats

A very common situation is for people who have permanently left their native land such as the UK to keep their existing bank accounts open for ease of use in many areas where there are still financial ties with the country of origin, in the case of Expats this could be for pension payments or simply paying bills that are perhaps still needed back in the homeland.

And with the selling point of credit and debit cards being the fact that they are universally accepted it appears odd that we have an issue like we have seen here.

But in the case of Cyprus expats (and we assume others) those of you who have bought a new iPad for instance, are finding it impossible to access the market that makes this device so great, the Apple app store.

The reason people are having problems is apparently due to the apple app store not accepting credit card details with an address in a separate country from the one where your issuing bank is located.

A Nicosia resident who owns an iPad and a UK credit card states:

“I can’t get into either the UK or Cyprus iTunes stores. I understand it is because I have a UK card but a Cyprus billing address.”

Apple have stated that you can only register for the Cyprus iTunes store with a Cyprus issued credit card, despite having a change of address from her UK cards stating her new address in Cyprus, the trouble is compounded by the fact that she can not even go back to the UK version of iTunes and the app store and ask for acceptance there unless she had a genuine UK address and changed all these details back which would not be an option in may cases.

Her only way forward is to open a new account up in Cyprus and get a new Cyprus credit card using her address details in Cyprus and go forward using that card, though this seems like a pain in the bu** for many.

License issues appear to be the reason:

As usual when Apple are concerned it all boils down to who owns what and where the legal boundaries lie with content owners rights and the sale of these digital assets in a global world, or at least this is what Apple woudl tell you but I suspect that there is a more worrying reason that Apple try to mitigate with this policy:

App Hustling:

Apple need to know that you as a buyer do not reside in a country other than the marketplace you access to buy content, this makes some sense when there are potentially financial gains to be had from “app hustling” where you would simply find the cheapest marketplace with the best conversion rate for your currency and join this as opposed to being dictated to, the problem Apple would then face would be that potentially only one store would reign supreme as we would all jump ship to the cheapest “per app” store, (where possible).

A few ways around these issues:

As the situation currently stands, the problem Apple may be looking to mitigate is actually causing more problems than it would ever solve as buyers of Apple devices are being barred from the very life blood than makes the gadgets so desirable; Apps, some free and some paid.

There are a few ways around this current issue though unfortunately not one of these is particularly desirable especially if you have no one to call back home who can lend a hand or you are afraid of losing your warranty or scared about tinkering with your devices software….here are your options though currently:


  • Change your billing address back to the UK or wherever your card originates from in terms of the actual bank if this is causing issues
  • Jailbreak – Follow this link and then use your Mac or PC to install this amended new operating system and remove the license restrictions that are currently applied to Apple iOS software, thus allowing you to access a new app store with all the same godoies and get many free applications without the need for credit card details.
  • Get a friend to open a new account in iTunes with their credit card details


It has to be said that when users only want to access basic applications that are free it does appear to be pretty damn annoying especially if this is your first apple device, and I wish Apple would look into this matter and allow a little more freedom to people who do not sit perfectly into the safety zone of what Apple deem to be legal when it comes to jurisdictions further away from “home”.

Source: Cyprus Mail

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/app-hustling-apple-will-not-accept-expat-credit-cards/feed/ 0
iOS App Sales Have Paid $4 Billion To App Developers https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/apple-have-paid-4-billion-to-app-developers/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/apple-have-paid-4-billion-to-app-developers/#comments Sun, 29 Jan 2012 14:56:33 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1712 Apple pay $4 billion to Apple iOS developers:

With the news that the iPad is hovering above the 55% of overall tablet sales globally and that Apple for a brief period have become the globes most costly company on paper beating Exonn once again, it is interesting to hear of the actual figures from the transfer of cash to developers that keep Apples iOS platform and app store as the market leader.

$4 Billion Paid Out To Apple App Developers
$4 Billion Paid Out To Apple App Developers

Huge amount paid out:

Yes, since June 2010 when the figure was still a staggering $1 billion, the official figure today suggests that Apple have now paid out around $4 billion to app developers globally,

iPad 3 to arrive in two months or less?

This figure is likely to see a surge as new devices are brought out into the market, first to be seen is likely to be the iPad 3 and later on we are told to expect the new iPhone 5 which has been a long time coming but could see a larger screen and totally new design, either way, these new devices will mean an increase in the iOS consumer base.

As a result, the growth and sale of applications should continue growing for some time coming, much to the glee of those very app developers who seem to be onto quite a lucrative thing!

Android catching up:

Of course Googles Android O/S is huge also, and Eric Schmidt is seen stating that their own marketplace will continue to grow as more developers make Android “a priority” over Apple, this is an inevitability of a very popular O/S but will not for one minute mean that Apple lose ground in a way that causes any major issues to the company….for now!

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/apple-have-paid-4-billion-to-app-developers/feed/ 1
Apple Publishes Record Profits For 2011 https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/apple-publishes-record-profits-for-2011/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/apple-publishes-record-profits-for-2011/#comments Wed, 25 Jan 2012 13:20:58 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1660 Apple are doing very well indeed:

Apple have just published record profits for 2011, even in the face of naysayers who reckon that Android is finally catching up and Amazons Kindle Fire is picking off iPad sales by the day, especially in the run up to Christmas.

But all that now looks like hokum as Apple have told the world that they are now indeed the most profitable corporation on the face of the globe and sell more units than HP.

Some statistics from Apples 2011 Q4 reports:

Apple Profits Rise In 2011
Apple Profits Rise In 2011


  • Apple sold 37.04 million iPhones
  • 15.4 million iPads
  • 5.2 million Macs


With Apples revenues and profits both being double what Microsoft could boast, and Apple increasing their iPad sale predictions by around 2 million in that last quarter of 2011 it can be clear as day that Apple are doing something very right indeed.

And what makes them continue to grow even after so much competition from Android devices and the likes of cut price tablets?


Indeed in a report on Apple Insider Tim Cook, Apples relatively new CEO states that his whole intention to stave of attacks from imitators and other device manufacturers is to quite simply “innovate like crazy.”

And while some say that Apple are not innovative I would argue that to be utter tosh, and what is more, where Android tablets have a few hundred natively built applications, Apples iPad iOS has around 170,000, and with tools and apps like the Akai MPC Fly coming out, is there any reason to ever save a few pennies and go for an Android tablet, I personally would not be in the market for a high end Android tablet over an iPad 2 if I had to choose one over the other right now.

Customer service:

Let us not forget that Apple continue to raise the bar of expected customer service as they open more and more stores for those taking the plunge and buying their first ever Apple product or iPad and trust me this matters, like it or not (and sickly it can be) Apple make a mockery of the likes of Currys or PC world when compared on customer service, and people like to feel special at the end of the day.

Don’t lose sight of the prize whatever it is:

Now I hope they do not do what Google has done and keep pushing out nonsense after nonsense and then cull things later, I hope that they stay focused on the areas that the layman loves Apple for, useabilty and style.

Subjective I know, but it is what most Apple converts say as the main selling points, and these appear to be growing.

Well done Apple now stay focused and don’t turn to pith, in your dizzying heights of success, they all fall eventually in tech land!

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/apple-publishes-record-profits-for-2011/feed/ 1
Akai MPC Fly Review iPad Beats On The Fly https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/akai-mpc-fly-review-ipad-beats-on-the-fly/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/akai-mpc-fly-review-ipad-beats-on-the-fly/#comments Sat, 21 Jan 2012 16:29:51 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1613 Akai now make MPC samplers perfect for iPad music making:

Let us take a look at the product:

And here is the new MPC Fly advert:

The Akai MPC Fly

*Please remember that this new tool is for iPad 2’s not iPad 1’s.

Back in the days when I used to make a few beats myself, the talk was that the Akai series of MPC’s were the “bomb” for making “dope” beats, mainly due to their grainy low bit rate sampling capabilities and also their easy to use method of assigning samples to each pad, with a basic sequencer allowing you to stitch parts together and interact at the same time meaning that you have a virtual instrument at your disposal with only your imagination limiting your output.

Indeed I used to listen to so much music that was made pretty much completely on these devices I actually do not know why I never bought one, but I had my own pretty sweet set up that worked for me at the time.

Now many will know that I sing the praise of Apple more than most, and the reason I do this is mainly because had I gone down the slightly cheaper Windows PC route while I was learning the ropes of being a music producer and engineer then I can tell you right now I would never have made it past rookie stage such is the crap nature of Windows based PC’s then and today, I would have torn my hair out at the thought of all the issues of malware, spyware, slow processing, conflicts with software, accessories etc etc…the list goes on.

So I took advice from a fellow engineer who had been working for a long time on Macs and got myself a first edition G4, with iOS 9.2….and thank the lord I did…..fast forward 10 + years…

Coming back to the point of the article, Apple make products that do stuff well, their competitors usually make products that confuse people and quite often never really “get there”…Apple products also tend to work much better with third parties for obvious reasons.

I think that this device really does show how cool the iPad really is over its competitors, they just come no where near to this kind of fun and functionality.

Akai MPC Fly Review

The Akai MPC Fly houses your iPad and gives it access to an application that allows you to seamlessly integrate the Akai interface with virtual instruments and effects on the iPad screen, a very portable solution to beat making on the go.

With 16 velocity sensitive pads, this truly is a device I may well be looking to invest in myself.

You can sequence four tracks simultaneously and it comes packed with a library of sounds to which you can obviously add more (this is the point of the MPC series) it is the daddy of portable production controllers and samplers.

The device has no need for extra wires unless you are playing to an audience.

Adding samples is done via the 3.5 mm socket as well as having an ability to bring in tunes from an iPod.

With the hinged case providing protection to your iPad, you can also set it up just as you like giving a much more personal touch to the user experience and making it a real lap music making device whoever you have it positioned, flat or as a screen.

With a weight of just over 0.9 kg it is reasonably light and comes with a rechargeable battery.

In the US this device is selling for $299 but the UK sees it actually come in at a decent price of £159.

Now go hit those rhythm stick pads, but not too hard now!

Full spec is here, and remember this is for iPad 2’s not version 1’s sorry!

MPC FLY Hardware:


  • The first MPC designed specifically for iPad 2
  • 16 backlit genuine MPC pads with MPC Note Repeat & MPC Swing
  • Fitted compartment for iPad 2 provides fully integrated portable MPC solution
  • Create beats on the go and transfer to a Mac or PC for further mastering
  • Works seamlessly with the MPC App: sequence & sample editing, effects, EQ and more
  • Charges iPad when plugged into wall power
  • Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery
  • Compatible with virtually any Core MIDI app
  • Double-hinged case sits upright, lies flat or closes for transport




  • Built-in effects: delay, bit crusher, master compressor/limiter
  • Record and overdub sequences and create and edit your own Programs
  • Sequence four tracks simultaneously: four-track mixer built in
  • Note variation slider allows you to manipulate attack, velocity, length, and tuning as you play
  • Built in sound library of samples and drum kits
  • 16-Levels mode: play one sample at 16 levels of attack, velocity, length, and tuning
  • Sample using internal mic or line-in and trim and categorize samples
  • Note Repeat: 1/8 note – 1/32T timing
  • Time correct: 1/8 note – 1/32T with variable Swing setting
  • Sample from your iPod library with turntable interface”
  • Supports WIST, Wireless Sync Start protocol from Korg
  • Share on SoundCloud, Facebook or twitter
  • Supports AudioPaste


Now let us see what an original Akai MPC can do:

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/akai-mpc-fly-review-ipad-beats-on-the-fly/feed/ 6
iPad 3 Release Date Update LTE And Improved Display https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-release-date-update-lte-and-improved-display/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-release-date-update-lte-and-improved-display/#comments Mon, 16 Jan 2012 12:36:05 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1522 iPad 3 Release Date March?

With a very late review of the iPad 2 coming soon, it is nice to look at news of the new iPad 3 and speculate on what areas it will improve on its older brother.

The iPad 3 is due for release in March, and Bloomberg seem to think that the new device will have a sharper screen courtesy of a High Def display and also feature LTE access which we expected anyway.

A speed increase will be delivered via a quad core chip, and while suppliers are not named in the article, it has been rumored that the ramp up in production will mean February is a key time period in the pre-iPad 3 calendar as full steam will be well and truly ahead on the production lines.

With Apple now selling more than 40 million iPads globally, the tablet has brought revenues of some $25.3 billion into Apples coffers.

LTE key to future of mobile devices:

With space running out on conventional network bandwidth, and a boom in smartphone and tablet use putting ever increasing pressures on data transfer via the traditional internet networks, LTE will bring two important new areas to mobile devices:

Speed and increased efficiency of data transfer.

Both will work together in helping the globe go more mobile, and stop further clogging up of the networks as more of the populations of the US, Europe, Asia and the world go mobile crazy and demand more bandwidth while out and about.

With China having their Lunar New Year holiday in February, and Foxconn being the main assemblers of the iPad 3, it is thought that the device will start being delivered to customers in March at the earliest.

With news on an Apple event to be held next week related to education, we are not expecting to hear the above information from the horses mouth any time soon.

So does this kind of news excite you about the new iPad or are they simply beefing up an already capable tablet PC, and if so, what do you think they should be looking at including in order to cement their status as the manufacturer of the best Tablet PC on the market?…Arguably.

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-release-date-update-lte-and-improved-display/feed/ 7
iPad 3 Release Date Update – Design To Stay Same https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-release-date-update-design-to-stay-same/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-release-date-update-design-to-stay-same/#comments Thu, 12 Jan 2012 17:13:16 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1488 iPad 3 design to stay the same:

The old saying “why fix it if it ain’t broken” applies to the iPad almost perfectly.

Here we have an icon of design that is so well executed it has not only spawned masses of imitators, with only the ASUS Transformer Prime coming anywhere near close to outshining the original tablet PC, but it also refuses to alter after years at the top.

So with this in mind, what do you really want of the new iPad 3?

Many will say;

“I want Apple to reinvent the wheel,”

And expect them to always bring them the new, slimmer, sexier iPad that we expect every few years.

Sorry to disappoint the design junkies:

I am afraid it looks like the next iPad will stay the same in design.

Now let us look at another saying that may make you happier.

“It is what is on the inside that counts.”

Yes your parent(s) or guardians should have told you this when you were younger, otherwise you probably turned into a narcissistic, drug addled little shit that has needed “help” ever since.

I am not one for religion in particular, but there are some decent elements at the base of most, and we shall be focusing on one of these humanistic levels for the next iPad.

Sure, the new version is likely to feature some nice features, but they will mainly be inside the device and we hope will more than make up for a lack of a new coat.

So what will be inside the new iPad 3?

You know Apple do not tell a thing prior to releases so let us do some fortune telling here.

Now according to iLounge’s Jeremy Horwitz, he has touched and smelt the iPad 3 at CES 2012 over in Las Vegas. But we all know that Apple are not showing at the event.

So are people using the new iPad 3 unwittingly, if so, this sounds like it could be a bit of a lacklustre update visually, so what is going on underneath?

Well if rumours are to be believed the new iPad will be 1mm thicker with an improved camera to the top left corner, rumours of a smaller display were neither agreed nor shown as proof, but there has been talk.

iPad 3 due March 2012 – iPad 4 due Q4 2012?

With all this in mind, we would like to point you to our other article on the iPad 3 release date, that predicted pretty much the equivalent of an iPhone 4S update to the iPhone 4 for the next model of iPad, with a much bigger release of the iPad 4 to be expected later this year or early in 2013.

I also think that a price cut may be on the cards, and the new iPad 3 may sell for $100 less than it costs now, simply in order to stay competitive in this marketplace that Apple so desperately want to dominate.

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-release-date-update-design-to-stay-same/feed/ 2
iPad Dropped From Space Survives! https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-dropped-from-space-survives/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-dropped-from-space-survives/#respond Wed, 11 Jan 2012 17:52:04 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1479 iPad dropped from space:

We have already heard about the iPad that got dropped from the plane and survived:

Well now those guys at G-Form had to go one level further and have taken an iPad to space to see if your average punter on his usual days travels will have his device saved from doom should he forget to hold on to it while orbiting earth for the crack.

iPad Dropped From Space Survives
iPad Dropped From Space Survives

So here is proof positive that G-Form do indeed make some seriously hardcore protection cases for your iPad and other devices, nothing like an extreme way of making a point to get the message across.

Some have commented on how they got this iPad to land on its side, pointing out that if it landed screen side down it would have almost definitely shattered, but hey let us be honest, the thing got dropped from space and still worked….surely that is enough.

Nice one lads!

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-dropped-from-space-survives/feed/ 0
iPad 3 To Be $100 Cheaper iPad 4 To Arrive With Killer Applications Later https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-to-be-100-cheaper-ipad-4-to-arrive-with-killer-applications-later/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-to-be-100-cheaper-ipad-4-to-arrive-with-killer-applications-later/#respond Fri, 06 Jan 2012 17:00:30 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1397 Apple will reduce the cost of the iPad 2 in the next few weeks during an expected iPad 3 launch:

Apple may decide to reintroduce the ageing iPad 2 as a reduced $299 offering after the rumoured iPad 3 launch later this month.

iPad 3 Release Date
iPad 3 Release Date

With Apple looking to offer two or more iPad models, the release of the iPad 3 is expected to be in the next few weeks at the iWorld expo on January the 26th-28th, we hear that this new model may mean that the current iPad 2 will come in at a lower price as a result, and that the iPad 3 may come in two variations also.

The new iPad 3 is rumored to be coming with a 9.7 inch QXGA screen and a display resolution of some 2048 x 1536 with an A6 SoC.

But there is talk that this new iPad may have a slightly weaker cousin with a less able camera and poorer quality screen, with subtle differences such as the lower priced model having only a 5 MP camera, and using a 1024 x 768 resolution while the more expensive iPad will have an 8MP offering, exactly what else will be added to the new model remains to be seen.

Apple supply chains confirm that the current iPad 2 will probably be slashed in price:

With the talk of a reduced price iPad, this should allow Apple to compete with the Amazon Kindle Fire, which it is thought ate into around 2 million lost iPad sales over the festive period. Yes Apple are scared of the e-commerce monster, and so they should be.

There is also a rumour emerging that they may bring in another cut price version of the iPad 3 or iPad 2 with only 8GB of memory to really compete on price with the likes of the Amazon Kindle Fire, Barnes and Noble Nook and expected Google Tablet.

iPad 3 to be $100 cheaper iPad 4 to arrive with killer applications later:

It is also thought that the new iPad 3 could be due a price reduction form the flagship high process that their current models command, and there is also an even more juicy rumour that an iPad 4 could be due for release at the end of the year with a serious upgrade to the operating system and “killer” applications.

Are you looking forward to the new iPad 3, or more interested in the serious upgrade that the iPad 4 may prove to be later on in the year?

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-to-be-100-cheaper-ipad-4-to-arrive-with-killer-applications-later/feed/ 0
Apple iPad 3 Release Date Showcased January 26th At iWorld https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/apple-ipad-3-release-date-showcased-january-26th-at-iworld/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/apple-ipad-3-release-date-showcased-january-26th-at-iworld/#comments Thu, 29 Dec 2011 19:15:09 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1291 Another day another iPad iRumor?

We have already discussed the iPad 3 release date in an earlier article. Now rumours seem to suggest it will arrive at a similar time as we predicted, or at least we will see a glimpse of it around the time we originally anticipated.

iPad 3 Early 2012 Release
iPad 3 Early 2012 Release

Digitimes, the perennial gossip mongers of the tech world have got their knitting needles out again, and they are talking of a return by Apple to a show now known as iWorld which was formerly MacWorld Expo.

At the show, which will be held next year on January 26th, Apple are rumored by supply chain partners to be demonstrating their new cut price iPad, and the new iPad 3, where these new models will join the rest of the iBrigade.

iPad 3 and iPoor 1?

The new models will see the cheaper version pitched against plucky contenders such as the Amazon Kindle Fire, and the other iPad 3 obviously holding the Apple flag high, as the kind of the tablet jungle.

Specification updates:

Processors are still rumoured to be supplied by Samsung, with Sharp delivering the new improved display that will still feature the same 9.7 inch screen.

There could be dual LED bars that will help brighten the iPads overall brightness levels. This rumour appears to have legs as Minebea are now part of this supply chain and they specialise in Backlight units (BLU’s)

Battery’s to be monsters:

Dynapack International Technology and Simplo Technology have secured orders for batteries of the iPad, with the rumour that one at least will have a very high capacity of 14,000 milliampere-hour (mAh) which will be used in the new iPad’s. Though we are not sure if one of these manufacturers will make a less powerful battery for the cut price model.

What do you think of the news? A tall story? Or, like us, can you imagine that this could have some weight?

Let us know your thoughts on the new iPad 3. And if you have heard anything remotely sounding like the truth, get in touch and let us know!

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/apple-ipad-3-release-date-showcased-january-26th-at-iworld/feed/ 4
Google Tablet An iPad Rival Released In Mid 2012? https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/google-tablet-an-ipad-rival-released-in-mid-2012/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/google-tablet-an-ipad-rival-released-in-mid-2012/#comments Tue, 20 Dec 2011 12:51:01 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1198 Will a Google tablet arrive mid 2012?

In news from Italy, where many Nexus S owners are having problems with the Ice Cream Sandwich update after a seemingly early release of ICS which is full of bugs for many Nexus S owners.

The president of Google, Eric Schmidt, has stated in Corriere della Sera, an Italian newspaper, that Google will be entering the tablet market in 2012:

“marketing a tablet of the highest quality”

And this will arrive within six months from now, so seemingly a Summer release.

Google Tablet Summer Release 2012
Google Tablet Summer Release 2012

Who will build the new Google tablet?

Now we would like to know if Google are going to go this alone, or use Samsung or another manufacturer to build their device, that will likely compete with the iPad if it is going to be of “the highest quality”, as we admit that the cut price versions such as the Amazon Kindle Fire and Barnes and Noble Nook are not at the level that would warrant a term that extols the virtue of “the highest quality”, lovely as they are, they are not at the top of their game, hence the price tag.

So we have another question, will google aggressively compete with Apple’s iPad on price like Amazon have tried to do, or will they try to work together to differentiate their own products as more desirable and with a heftier price tag.

Google Nexus tablet?

And what will such a tablet be called? Rumours are that it will be a “Nexus” tablet, though one problem will remain for now, and that is the lack of quality Applications available on the larger screened Android tablets, and is the biggest bug bear for most people who have sampled Apples stunning eco-system of options when it comes to functionality for their tablets. And remember a tablet is only as good as what it can do, not how fast it can do it.

Kids turned off by Apple, confused by Android:

With a recent report coming out saying that “the kids” are bored with Apple but confused with Android, is it time for Google to rise up and say, hey, this is what Android stands for in the tablet space, yes we are a bit fragmented, but here is your real alternative to the iPad?

Would you get that message?

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/google-tablet-an-ipad-rival-released-in-mid-2012/feed/ 5
Apple To Release Mini iPad https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/apple-to-release-mini-ipad/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/apple-to-release-mini-ipad/#comments Sat, 17 Dec 2011 12:45:38 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1162 Small iPad for 2012?

Apple are under threat from cut price tablets from the likes of the Amazon Kindle Fire and the Barnes and Noble Nook, with the likelihood that this trend will only continue.

So what will Apple do to keep their premium iPad competitive when close equivalents can be obtained for more than half price?

Mini iPad Release Date
Mini iPad Release Date 2012?

A report in digitimes seem to suggest that they will fight back by offering a cut price, reduced size iPad, and the rumor is that it will be a 7.85 inch model.

With the size rumoured to be just that touch bigger then the Kindle Fire and Nook, Apple will possibly look to differentiate their own mini iPad from their competitors on desirability, design and that little bit extra screen real estate, and guys we all know how important that extra half inch is and so does a certain Mr Cruise.

Production of mini iPad to begin at the end of Q2 2012?

Apple are rumored to have been sourcing displays from LG, and panels from AU Optronics, with manufacturers looking likely to start the actual production of the new tablet at the end of the second quarter of 2012.

Would Steve Jobs turn in his grave?

We have already mentioned that Steve Jobs was famed for disliking the idea of a mini iPad tablet saying:

“10-inches is the minimum tablet size”


“7-inch tablets are tweeners; too big to compete against a smartphone, and too small to compete with the iPad”.

So would the old Apple CEO be concerned that a part of the iPad’s appeal was going to potentially be missing? Perhaps, but Apple do need to keep their lead, and if that means tailoring a new iPad model to market demands, then this seems sensible.

With the release date of the iPad 3 expected to be sometime in early 2012, I thoroughly expect to see a new mini version of the iPad to follow suit some time in late 2012.

And with 60 million tablet PC’s being sold by the end of 2011, the market has certainly caught many by surprise in terms of the voracious appetite that people have for this new type of portable PC, so it is lucky for Apple that the 60 million figure is still currently made up of 70% iPad sales.

Will the iPod touch be reinvented?

I wonder if it would make more sense to reinvent the iPod touch to offer a bigger, more e-reader styled version, with the same functionality as what it already has but to include extras, with that additional screen size and a little more of an iPad feel.

Having said that, if I was to brand a new model and base it on a similar predecessor, I would opt to tell buyers that they were getting a small iPad rather than a larger iPod touch, wouldn’t you?

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/apple-to-release-mini-ipad/feed/ 4
Top 5 iPad Accessories And Gifts https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/top-5-ipad-accessories-and-gifts/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/top-5-ipad-accessories-and-gifts/#comments Fri, 16 Dec 2011 12:34:41 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1139 Top 5 most popular iPad Accessories And Gifts:

Yes the iPad is fantastic and in a class of its own in many ways, however it still feels a little lonely and lacking sometimes, so this is where Apple branded product accessories and third party suppliers come into play.

We take a good look at popular items sold on Amazon that also have high user feedback ratings to see exactly what people are buying, and also if there may be an item out there that you may not realise you needed!

This list is also a great start for inspiration related to gifts for the iPad 2 and iPad range.

So without further ado here we go:

Bear Motion Genuine Leather Case for iPad2 2nd Generation with built-in Stand:

This Bear motion product with Sleep mode, has been modified based on comments and user feedback, so as of version 2 the feedback seems to be nothing short of high praise (1000+ comments on Amazon saying how great it is).

The case is especially designed for the iPad 2, featuring “top grain” leather, which is the highest grade of leather from the hide, and when the cover is closed it will put your iPad to sleep, this is after you have turned sleep mode on as a function.

Customer feedback is seemingly paramount at Bear Motion, and they offer to resolve any issues you have with their products straight away, simply contact their customer support by email, for prompt service.

Features of the Bear Motion Genuine Leather Case in detail:


  • New version – Supports Sleep Mode
  • 100% real “Top Grain” Cowhide Leather
  • Access all of the iPad 2’s features without taking off the case
  • Easy to slip onto your iPad 2 for long lasting protection
  • Interior and exterior has soft real leather and scratch protection
  • Securely hold iPad in place with Unique Inner flap and Reinforcement Strip
    • [/arrowlist]

      Yes, as a case and stand, and at the discount price that it can be obtained for now, you would be silly not to consider this product as your iPad 2 cover.

      Kensington Apple iPad 2 KeyFolio Pro Performance Case with wireless Bluetooth keyboard:

      So you are in the market for a keyboard and stand for your iPad 2?

      This device is selling well on Amazon, and is essentially a high performance keyboard which is optimised for touch typing, and delivered via the built-in bluetooth technology offering fully wireless operation, so you are able to make that lovely looking iPad 2 into more of a laptop/desktop affair, and utilise the screen real estate of the iPad 2 much more than having a virtual keyboard take up that vital space.

      This is a must have for anyone who does any more than a smattering of emailing on a daily basis, and I personally recommend it to anyone who wants to work a bit faster and also kill a few birds with one stone, as it works as a cover, stand and keyboard, what more could you want!

      It is built well, and also offers access to the iPad cameras on the front and back, the tactile keys offer the same build quality that you come to expect from Apple products.

      The keyboard that is built into the KeyFolio Pro includes some iPad 2 functional controls such as home button, volume, and brightness.

      With a rotating stand offering landscape or portrait viewing, the flexibility that this product offers is fantastic.


      • Bluetooth: V 2.0 standard
      • Battery Life: 90 hours
      • Standby Time: 45 days
      • Battery Capacity: Minimum 430 mAh
      • Battery Life Expectancy: 3 years
      • Charging time: up to 4.5 hours
        • [/arrowlist]

          With a 2 year warranty we think this keyboard and stand is well worth a look.

          Apple Digital AV Adapter:

          So you want bigger and better things for your iPad 2?

          And why not, but it is not easy getting your HDTV to sing happily with your iPad 2 unless you have certain connections like this Adapter.

          Simply put, this Apple digital adapter will mirror exactly what you have on screen on your iPad 2, meaning that you can control a photo slideshow, a video, or even watch a game being played with the benefit of that larger screened HDTV that is then connected via the device.

          It also supports video out for iPad, iPhone 4 or iPod touch (4th gen) and is HDMI compatible.

          Full specs:


          • Product Type: A/V Cable Technical Information Cable Type:
          • HDMI Fiber Optic Mode:
          • 1 x 30-pin Male Proprietary Connector on Second End
          • 1 x 19-pin HDMI (Type A) Male Digital Audio/Video Connector on Second End
          • 1 x 30-pin Female Proprietary Conductor


          Yes, this device is a really nice accessory to have with your iPad and comes in handy for many things, now go use your imagination!

          Trent iCruiser IMP1000 11000mAh External Battery Pack and Charger:

          We all know that mobile devices eat battery life for breakfast, but there are ways around this and here is one great solution that we recommend in the form of an External Battery Pack and Charger iPad2 accessory.

          Now in its 4th generation, the Trent iCruiser is now compatible with the iPad 2, and provides that extra bit of power that is often needed during a long day without access to a power supply. This device works as your power supply, offering a revolutionary high capacity of 11000mAh at 5V output voltage, this device will give you an extra 17 hours of iPad 2 movie time.

          So is perfect on trips away, and as a great backup just in case.

          The device will also pretty much power any of your devices from Nintendo’s to Droid’s, and PSP’s and Galaxy Smartphones, indeed this device is on my Xmas shopping list!

          As this device is more than just an iPad 2 accessory here is a list of other features that may help you decide how useful this is:

          Some features non iPad 2 related:


          • Enjoy 50 hours movie time for iPhone 4S 4, 3G 3Gs iPhone and 4G ipod touch, 17 hours for ipad 2 Compatible with iPhone 4S 4 3Gs 3G, ipod touch 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G, blackberry (9630, 9700, 9550, 9800), HTC android EVO, incredible Nexus, Droid
          • Ultra reliable Lithium-Ion battery with 11000mAh, 600% iPhone 4 Battery life incredible Nexus, Motorola Droid
          • Compatible with ipad 2, iPhone 4S 4 3Gs 3G, ipod touch 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G, blackberry (9630, 9700, 9550, 9800), HTC android EVO, incredible Nexus, Droid
          • Compatible with HTC Android EVO, Droid, Samsung Galaxy S, Nintendo DS, Sony PSP
          • No iPhone/iPad adapter is included, but IMP1000 is compatible with original iPhone/ipad data cable. 6 months product warranty
            • [/arrowlist]

              This really is an amazingly useful device and accessory and one that most smartphone and tablet owners could do with, shame, but this is the current state of play in the battery market.

              Snugg iPad 2 Leather Case Cover and Flip Stand with Elastic Hand Strap and Premium Nubuck Fibre Interior:

              Yes you may well have heard of the popular Snugg iPad range and now they have brought out the specially made iPad 2 flavour, this PU black leather case, offers you great protection and some extra functionality like an ability to stand the iPad to watch movies etc. Also included is an improved elastic strap for easy carrying


              • Premium nubuck fibre interior + improved velcro flap to secure your iPad 2 tightly in place when in landscape position
              • Camera hole cutout on the back and full access to all iPad 2 ports / connections
              • Superior iPad 2 Case by Snugg
              • Elastic strap makes it easier to hold and use the iPad 2 – Great for FaceTime
              • Automatically wakes and puts the iPad 2 to sleep
                • [/arrowlist]

                  So there you go, a fantastic list resource of bits and pieces that can add value to your iPad or simply protect it a little.

                  Now get yourself over to Amazon and grab yourself a bargain!

                  Anthony Munns]]> https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/top-5-ipad-accessories-and-gifts/feed/ 4 Why Apple Stores Are A Lesson In Retail – Competitors Beware https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/why-apple-stores-are-a-lesson-in-retail-competitors-beware/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/why-apple-stores-are-a-lesson-in-retail-competitors-beware/#comments Thu, 15 Dec 2011 15:29:09 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1141 Grand Central Apple Store Opens To Acclaim:

                  It would appear that the Manhattan Transport Authority who allowed this “takeover” to take place within their own “hub” that now sees some 100 restaurants and shops in the magnificent station, have finally got that “Anchor” tenant that they so longed for, the “real crowd pleaser”.

                  Apple Open New Store In Grand Central Terminal New York
                  Apple Open New Store In Grand Central Terminal New York

                  So we take a look at why the Apple experience is so in demand, and how their entry changes a retail space for better and worse.

                  Apple are in town so you better beware!

                  So when we reported that Apple were opening a store in grand central station, we found out that Apple in usual fashion, had got their own way with regards a typical profit share contract that other retailers abide by in the station, and also paid the last vendors a cool 1.5 million to depart early.

                  Now that seems fair game to me, because what Apple bring to a retail space is pure dedication to the art of making a customer feel appreciated, yes it can be nauseating sometimes, but overall you love it, and this shows in many areas…not least in the Apple bank vaults.

                  And because of this method of selling, Apples stores globally, are quite simply gadget Mecca’s for the converted, the curios, the perverted and the intrigued.

                  So being another Vendor within easy reach of the Apple store would surely make this pull convert to extra footfall your way?

                  Well yes, and no.

                  Let’s all buy an Apple:

                  Here is a case in point I would like to share that occurred here in the UK involving the purchase of an iPad 2 with my girlfriend the other day.

                  The schedule:


                  • Arrive at the store cold.
                  • Instantly get pounced upon, as you do, and tell a sweeping, squawking young Apple rep that we want an iPad 2.
                  • My partner then goes on to get the “Apple” experience which bores the hell out of me, but it is sort of what you pay for, and my parter is enjoying learning about her new gadget and getting help setting it up, and making it work with her iPhone etc.
                  • Not rocket science, but you know what, it is done for her with a smile, and it was a very pleasant experience by and large, nothing wrong with that surely.


                  Wireless keyboard please?

                  Now, she needs a wireless keyboard so she can do work easier and use it as a form of screen as opposed to just a touch screen.

                  Apple’s version is extortionate in price, so we move towards another UK retailer in the same shopping mall, that struggling giant called Currys/PC World.

                  Yes, they will have the one I have seen browsing on my phone while she was being “Apple’ed” up.

                  So we arrive into the other store to be met by a pretty, but vacant, looking young girl who was seemingly giving away paper with stuff on it, god knows what, no communication at all, just here you go….

                  I asked about wireless keyboards for an iPad and get a tour of the shop to find the right person, I look around and see stuff all over, a total mess, we find an affable young lad who probably wishes he was at the pub or the football (and nothing at all wrong with that, but it showed), and he shows us to an area where he points out two iPad 2 compatible keyboards (hidden).

                  I say, what about these to the side that I spotted underneath where he was pointing, he dismisses them, and so I again point out that I think this is the one we are after, he realises it is exactly what we are after and goes to get a box to show us.

                  I then ask is there any chance we can see the keyboard? His reply; not unless you buy it. The price of the keyboard was £40/50, seriously, I want to see the damn thing before we buy.

                  WAKE UP RETAILERS – this is not how you do selling!

                  Result = We walk away quicker than you can say, global recession.

                  Seriously how can these stores now compete if you have just spent roughly 8 x more and got the actual tablet along with all the help you need to set it up, you see it was not as if the keyboard was £5.

                  And in the Apple store, whatever you were buying would have been met with this type of help, and a smile, and the staff would have known exactly what you are after.

                  I know that a retailer such as Currys/PC World suffers from having a huge product range, but there in is my point, how can they compete, when the likes of Apple make them look idiotic, by doing what they do so well.

                  So the other vendors/retailers who also rent space at Grand Central station, beware, because Apple are lovely to look at, but damn do they like to point out your frailties with ease.

                  Better the devil you learn from I think.

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/why-apple-stores-are-a-lesson-in-retail-competitors-beware/feed/ 2
                  Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 Release Date – Including Retina Display Like iPad 3 https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/samsung-galaxy-tab-11-6-release-date-including-retina-display-like-ipad-3/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/samsung-galaxy-tab-11-6-release-date-including-retina-display-like-ipad-3/#comments Mon, 12 Dec 2011 17:32:59 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1089 Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 Release Date:

                  2012 looks like being a good year for tablets as they come of age and become seriously powerful and functional, yes, Samsung are also releasing their new flagship Samsung Tab 11.6 in early 2012.

                  Samsung are such copycats!

                  News that the iPad 3 release date may be launched earlier than anticipated, has come as quite a revelation, mainly due to the fact that there seemed to be an issue with the manufacturing process for the new ultra high resolution retina display, that will be included as standard on the new iPad 3 devices.

                  Samsung’s new tablet to boast same retina display as iPad 3:

                  So, not content with stealing Apple’s design patents (allegedly) in the iPhone and iPad in general, Samsung have also copied Apple with their own exploding phone that exploded recently just like the infamous exploding Apple iPhone.

                  And now in typical “I wanna be like you” flattery, the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 will also, it is rumoured, feature a 2560 x 1600 high resolution display and a 16:10 aspect ratio.

                  Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 Release Date Retina Display
                  "I wanna be like you"

                  With BGR citing a “trusted” resource for the news the article also goes on to suggest that Samsung will be unveiling the new tablet at the Mobile World Congress this coming Spring, which makes a lot of sense, as this is when they have historically displayed their new Galaxy 10.1 and 8.9 tablet devices.

                  The new Samsung Galaxy tab 11.6 will also boast Ice Cream Sandwich as the O/S of choice and also house a Dual Core Exynos 5250 Processor, clocked at 2GHz, similar to the A6 CPU fond in Apples new iPad 3.

                  I wonder if the new marketing campaign for the Galaxy tablet 11.6 will beat the utter dross that Samsung initially released as promos videos for the Samsung S2 which they now hide from Youtube viewers by “unlisting” them?

                  So are you looking forward to this new Android based device now that the Android market has come of age?

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/samsung-galaxy-tab-11-6-release-date-including-retina-display-like-ipad-3/feed/ 14
                  Why The Humble E-Reader Is More Appealing Than A Tablet PC https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/why-the-humble-e-reader-is-more-appealing-than-a-tablet-pc/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/why-the-humble-e-reader-is-more-appealing-than-a-tablet-pc/#comments Sun, 11 Dec 2011 18:45:49 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1072 Tablets v’s E-readers:

                  Dilemmas dilemmas, which one to get?…A pretty dull e-reader with e-ink technology so you can read books, or a brand new tablet PC with full colour display and access to games, video and the internet?

                  So, you’re in the market for a cool gadget this Christmas, but still unsure what that will be.

                  You have the sweet Canon 60D for photography, you are happy with your current laptop for one more year, your smartphone needs updating, but that will be a bonus mid-way through the year at contract renewal, and your X-Box 360 is still providing you with lots of stimulation and pleasure, not in part due to the huge HD screen that it is connected to, yes Joe nearly has it all…

                  Why The E-Reader Is More Appealing Than A Tablet PC
                  Why The E-Reader Is More Appealing Than A Tablet PC

                  Obviously your missing an iPad or more Generic tablet?

                  Now many would argue that if you were this example of an average Joe, then your next logical gadget to buy should be a nice Android based Tablet from Samsung or a new iPad from Apple.

                  Joe is on a budget though:

                  Yes, like many in the US and the rest of the World our man Joe is skint.

                  And if the Samsung and Apple iPad were too costly, or he perhaps wanted something a bit smaller, then Joe should then go for the new Amazon Kindle Fire or Barnes and Noble Nook color E-Book, obviously these “near” tablet like devices are far better than those boring E-Ink E-Readers:

                  But does our man Joe really want a Tablet PC or colour E-reader for Xmas?

                  So, are these lovely looking, funky devices what this person really needs.

                  Let us do some common sense analysis:

                  Firstly, he works in an office with his own computer always there, his smartphone keeps him amused with various news apps during breaks and on the way to work, and gives him access to email, Youtube and other video sites, and at home and when he is out enjoying a coffee, his laptop is powerful enough and small enough to hold in his bag and do some emailing or surfing the net in general while out and about, and he is more than happy with his huge HD display and X-Box for gaming on a mid week night and weekend.

                  So what could Joe get if he still needs his gadget fix like so many guys and girls do at Christmas?

                  The answer could well be an E-reader, but not the color ones, and here is why:

                  We have covered some interesting comparisons of E-Readers in the past from the Nook V’s Kindle Fire Tablet and you know what I love about these is that you can have a huge sized book all contained in a lovely small device, that makes no noise, lasts ages on one charge, and can be read in any light (apart from dark), and what is more it is pretty cheap for a gadget. Though I predict that they will be almost giving these e-readers away in years to come, so you are then signed up to their individual marketplaces.

                  In this world of plenty the humble e-reader shines out as a bastion of peace and tranquillity:

                  So with this in mind, I am going to suggest to our friend Joe that he should take more time out to relax and stop stimulating his poor brain with vast amounts of data and unhealthy radiation and sit down with a new lightweight e-reader and enjoy one of life’s little, very inexpensive pleasures.

                  Albeit using a cool gadget that reinvented the book and termed it an “ebook” when it did not even know it had anything wrong with it.

                  Joe, if you ain’t got an e-reader in 2012, you are out of the loop my friend!

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/why-the-humble-e-reader-is-more-appealing-than-a-tablet-pc/feed/ 2
                  Grand Central “Big” Apple Store In New York Opening Soon https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/grand-central-big-apple-store-in-new-york-opening-soon/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/grand-central-big-apple-store-in-new-york-opening-soon/#comments Wed, 07 Dec 2011 12:13:18 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=999 Apple Store Opens In Grand Central Station New York:

                  In a massively bold move by Apple, they are going to be bringing their newest store to the big Apple right at the heart of it’s Grand Central Terminal.

                  A huge 23,000 square foot of space will be dedicated to the Apple store, with Apple rumoured to be earning more per square foot than their nearest rival Tiffany’s by a factor of 4 or 5, this will surely only help Apple line their insanely profitable coffers even more.

                  Apple Retail Sales Figures Per Square Foot
                  Apple Retail Sales Figures Per Square Foot

                  The owner of the electronics retail area in the terminal is the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and they state that Apple will be paying $180 per square foot, just less than the top figure which they pay for their Manhattan train hub store at $200 per square foot.

                  Apple make use of Grand Central’s East balcony:

                  It was deemed by the MTA that obtaining rent for an under used area of the station would make total sense, and this contract will quadrupled the rent collected for the East balcony area at Grand Central Station, which is famed for it’s night sky ceiling.

                  Footfall to increase in general:

                  There will be pass on benefits to the other businesses who operate in the terminal, as footfall is expected to pass the current 750,000 daily figure that it currently delivers, such is the attraction of Apple stores.

                  Charlie Palmer’s Metrazur restaurant was the last tenant in that space and was paid a handsome $5 million to leave the position for Apple to sign their 10 year lease, Apple will then invest another $2.5 million to make the store look, well pretty much like all the rest, but we are sure there will be some key glass features and such like that will add a signature element to the homogenised nature of all Apple stores.

                  Apple will be “anchor” tenant:

                  Apple will serve as an anchor tenant in the station meaning that the store will be considered an attraction for people who are not even using the terminal for travel purposes, this will be seen to benefit the area for the tenants in general but in typical Apple ways they will not be tied into a revenue share model for the turnover the store creates unlike the other tenants in Grand Central Terminal, and why would you, if you could get away with it, when you earn more per square foot than any other retail space on the planet, and command silly amounts of people daily just to gawp at your products!

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/grand-central-big-apple-store-in-new-york-opening-soon/feed/ 1
                  Smartphones Expected to Sell Well This Christmas Though Kindle Could be Surprise Winner https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/smartphones-expected-to-sell-well-this-christmas-though-kindle-could-be-surprise-winner/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/smartphones-expected-to-sell-well-this-christmas-though-kindle-could-be-surprise-winner/#respond Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:37:19 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=963 What will sell more at Christmas? The iPad or iPhone or even the Kindle Fire?

                  As holiday season approaches and Santa starts getting all those emails to sort through, we take a look at an Experian Hitwise report for the UK which suggests that the iPhone will be the hot property for UK buyers this Xmas, and iPads will be the gadget of choice for our cousins over the pond.

                  Smartphones are hot property this Xmas:

                  Phones will be a third more popular online than iPads this Christmas. If search intent was reflected in sales, for every three iPads Apple sold this Christmas they would sell four iPhones.

                  Yes the smartphone is now trickling down into the realms of normality now as more and more people are upgrading to devices such as iPhones with tablet computers coming in as a close competitor but nowhere near as in demand as smartphones, unless you are in the US!

                  It seems that US buyers can not get enough of tablets and indeed this is the hot property for festive buyers this Christmas.

                  According to a Nielsen report the iPad is the most desired item in the 6 and over demographics (pretty much everyone) for the second year running.

                  iPhone not as popular for US buyers but still in the top 7 most desired items for the 13 and over age group.

                  Could the Kindle Fire become Xmas hit?

                  Amazon Kindle Fire Surprise Xmas Hit?
                  Amazon Kindle Fire Surprise Xmas Hit?

                  Many people (myself included) have predicted that the Amazon kindle fire could well become the leading gadget of the Xmas period in the US, and here is why.

                  When Amazon want to shift units they have such a high amount of traffic already for people who are at that “itching” stage and primed to buy, that all they need to do is drop there overall prices a touch to gain even more traffic from the comparison sites and then heavily promote the cut price Amazon kindle fire to ensure that the item becomes a real hot property, that, and a well executed mixed marketing campaign could make this tablet become the winner for gadget of the season 2011.

                  Google insights seem to suggest only a couple of Apple search terms are in the top ten though Amazon are currently claiming many of the spots and most of the top five.

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/smartphones-expected-to-sell-well-this-christmas-though-kindle-could-be-surprise-winner/feed/ 0
                  Australian Samsung Galaxy Tab Ban Extended https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/australian-samsung-galaxy-tab-ban-extended/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/australian-samsung-galaxy-tab-ban-extended/#respond Sun, 04 Dec 2011 15:00:19 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=949 Samsung Galaxy Tablet Ban In Australia Continues:

                  If you have not been keeping up with Apple’s recent legal actions against Samsung et al then please do type “Samsung”, “Legal” or “Patent” into our search box to your right and read all about it.

                  Australian Courts Extend Samsung Galaxy Tablet Ban
                  Australian Courts Extend Samsung Galaxy Tablet Ban

                  In yet another blow to the South Korean device manufacturer, Australian courts have upheld a continued ban on the sale of the Samsung Galaxy Tab from stores in the country.

                  Prior to the recent ruling, a judge in Australia had deemed that Apple had:

                  “established a prima facie case for an entitlement to relief on the Heuristics Patent”.

                  And Samsung duly appealed and actually obtained some degree of success, though unfortunately for Samsung this did not mean that they could simply start selling their tablet again in the country. Apple was given until the end of the week to respond to the ruling that overturned Apple’s desire to block all sales of the Samsung Tab in Australia.

                  Apple take Samsung Galaxy Tab case to High Court:

                  Obviously Apple did this with gusto in a move designed to further delay any verdict by taking the case to the high court, so now the high court of Australia must come to a decision, but until this actually happens, the ban will remain. Giving Apple an extra few days or weeks to get back to their legal team and start working out further counter claims and plans of attack and defence.

                  Such are the stakes in the fast paced environment of tablet and smartphone technology that every day and month counts, especially coming up to Christmas.

                  Yes, Apple have been heavily gunning for rival manufacturers of smartphones and tablets over what they perceive are patent issues related to their own technology.

                  But out of all the companies that have been affected by recent litigation, Samsung seem to be the ones who have had it the toughest, with a current ban on sales of their Galaxy tablet in Germany which looks set to be lifted after Samsung have redesigned the tab to counteract claims of copying.

                  What do you think to Apple’s continued aggression related to patent issues? Are they pushing their weight around a bit too much or simply protecting their assets?

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/australian-samsung-galaxy-tab-ban-extended/feed/ 0
                  iPad Used To Remix Entire Song Live https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/ipad-used-to-remix-entire-song-live/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/ipad-used-to-remix-entire-song-live/#comments Fri, 02 Dec 2011 10:49:37 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=913 Can you remix a song with an iPad?

                  As someone who used to produce and engineer dance music as a hobby to professional standards over ten years ago, the idea of being able to create high quality, fun tracks on an iPad sounds great.

                  So the news from ReelSEO that the guys at EastMidWestMusic had released a remix of a pretty crap (Jason Derulo’s “It Girl”) song using only iPad apps, I was intrigued.

                  As a Youtube channel launch I have to say it has a great novel factor, and it was delivered with class.

                  Apple must love this showcase:

                  You see where Samsung have resorted to getting personal with rivals Apple, the iPad makers still make sure that when they are selling you their products they show you what YOU can do with them. So this all singing, all dancing (literally) video and showcase of the iPads excellent music apps is a great selling point.

                  iPad Music Remix
                  iPad Music Remix

                  So what was used?


                  • Rebirth
                  • Alchemy
                  • GarageBand
                  • Magic Fiddle
                  • iSynpoly
                  • MadPad
                  • Animoog
                  • Magic Piano


                  Love it or not Android looks dull on many occasions:

                  Now come on Android lovers, sorry, but you can not compete with this kind of fun right now.

                  The most expensive of these apps is the Animoog version costing a reasonable $29.99 but you will need quite a few iPad’s and friends to deliver this “truly” live, though you can sequence this up with just the one iPad once you have mastered the likes of garageband, which is pretty simple compared to Cubase and Logic.

                  You see Apple can not lose when they have an army of people using their products in such creative and intriguing ways.

                  People out there daily, effectively selling their apps and tablets for free, and extolling the virtues of such a great piece of technology, yes it is not as fast as competitors but it does more!

                  And seriously I still receive no money from Apple…this must change…;)

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/ipad-used-to-remix-entire-song-live/feed/ 1
                  Microsoft Office Application For iPad https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/microsoft-office-application-for-ipad/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/microsoft-office-application-for-ipad/#comments Fri, 02 Dec 2011 10:04:50 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=910 Microsoft Office App on iPad:

                  It has been a long time coming, but according to the daily, Microsoft are working hard on delivering official tablet versions of the hugely popular Microsoft Office Suite.

                  With no actual sources cited this is all firmly in rumour mill territory but looks to be a likely punt if you were a betting person.

                  The actual date of release looks set to be mid 2012.

                  Microsoft Office App Coming To iPad in 2012
                  Microsoft Office App Coming To iPad in 2012

                  Apple and Microsoft Office buddies:

                  The relationship between Apple and Microsoft when it comes to the Office package has been one of mutual respect. The Apple version on OSX is very stable, capable and works perfectly well, and so this relationship of “quid pro quo” between the two companies has proved to be one area that the competing brands have enjoyed a happy friendship in.

                  Lack of Office on tablet PC’s an issue:

                  With reports of tablets slowly taking over laptops as the go to PC for pretty much everything, one distinct area currently lacking is the familiar Microsoft Office package for your every day writing/publishing needs.

                  Windows 8 version of Office will help differentiate their tablet:

                  There is an argument that Microsoft should wait until their own tablet is released, prior to an iOS office application going on sale.

                  It would make sense that they brought out their tablet variety of the Microsoft Office package with their new Windows 8 Tablets. This would give them a unique selling point and add to the differentiation needed for a newcomer to enter a relatively mature market. The common man/woman knows and loves Office, and seeing this available on a Windows 8 tablet first will surely help push units in that all important initial period.

                  Windows will struggle to gain traction with Windows 8 tablets:

                  Forrester research analysts are of the opinion that the rise of subsidised, cut-price versions of tablets from Amazon, WhSmith and Barnes and Noble will mean that Windows 8 tablets will face tough competition from cheap varieties and also well established tablet manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung and Blackberry.

                  Maybe time to start earning from competitors traction:

                  Let’s face it nothing is concrete in tech land. The shifting sands of fortune have seen two giants falter in the last few years (Nokia and Microsoft), so you can never really tell what is around the corner.

                  Microsoft have got it tough with the tablet market, but why?

                  Here is a non exhaustive list:

                  Latecomers, a new O/S to educate people on, a new application market with currently only a small amount of apps, competitors already on versions 2,3,4 of their own devices O/S and build, and cut price tablets that look nearly as good as the high end versions entering the market.

                  Yes 2012 will be interesting and tough for Microsoft so perhaps it would be best if they get that Office Application out ASAP and start making some cash from the huge Apple and Android market.

                  So should Microsoft wait until they release their own Windows 8 tablet and use this application to help leverage their own marketing efforts or should they simply get it released now and sold in as many markets as possible?

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/microsoft-office-application-for-ipad/feed/ 1
                  Should Apple Worry? – Apple Claim Tablet Competition Helps Them Stay Ahead https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/should-apple-worry-apple-claim-tablet-competition-helps-them-stay-ahead/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/should-apple-worry-apple-claim-tablet-competition-helps-them-stay-ahead/#comments Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:57:14 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=878 Does fragmentation aid Apples continuing dominance in the tablet market?

                  You might have thought that the arrival of new tablets by Amazon and a whole host of others before them, would make Apple scared?

                  Especially when they are competing so heavily on price. But Apple appear to be revelling in a marketplace that is now looking even more confusing to the average Joe.

                  Should they be worried?

                  Should Apple Worry About iPad Rivals?
                  Should Apple Worry About iPad Rivals?

                  I think to answer this I may have to put myself in the mind of a few different types of potential tablet buyers.

                  Apple lovers – Fanboys stay fanboys generally:

                  The iPad still has a superior marketplace and overall look/feel and usability factor which should ensure that most current Apple aficionados stick with the iPad for the foreseeable future.

                  Android lovers – The tricky, awkward but forgotten buyer:

                  Android users are often seen as the anti-apple brigade, and this type of device owner is often seen cutting off his face rather than accepting that Apple may have a superior product. They will usually site technical reasons to not go for an Apple product even though the equivalent Apple device may function better for most of their everyday needs.

                  Tech lovers – A mixed bag here:

                  Gadget lovers fall into a few camps: The die hard, the try hard and the try anything.

                  Apple rely heavily on the die hard and the try anything moulds.

                  The try hard’s are not really Apples kind of consumer, and here is why:

                  Apple’s love of control. Where the try hard’s love making things do what they are not perhaps designed to do…Apple want you to be happy straight away and stay that way until a new version arrives, try hard’s are not a good mix for apple, who are much better off using a “more” open O/S and device such as the Android based varieties, so they can tinker more freely.

                  Budget concious – The goldmine of the skint?

                  Now this large section of the Global populace is potentially where many riches lie. The problem is that unlike Apple who make shed loads of cash shifting very expensive units, and get away with a high price tag.

                  The likes of Amazon and others who have released cut priced versions of tablets mean that there is now very little money in the “cheap” tablet market for manufacturers without their own marketplace and entertainment eco-system like Amazon’s kindle fire offers.

                  Tech unaware – The late adopters:

                  Now I fear that Apple are going to lose a fair amount to this market, as these buyers rarely see what benefits are to be had in looking at areas such as amount of applications, functionality, design, and often only go on the basics such as cost, and overall look, expect to see these tablets in your local Walmart and Book store, and your Mum to come home one day from said stores proclaiming that she has picked up an iPad for less than $100….awww.


                  I am not convinced that Apple’s stable O/S, great marketplace and one size fits all approach is best, though it certainly works well currently, and I predict will see them comfortably stay main players in this market for a while.

                  But a new breed of buyers is entering the tablet market, yes your mum and dad…now how trend concious are the silver surfers of 2011/2012, or perhaps the question should be how tech concious are they?

                  My own opinion is that Apple will be doing very well indeed in the near to distant future in this market that they created, and essentially still dominate.

                  Others beware!

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/should-apple-worry-apple-claim-tablet-competition-helps-them-stay-ahead/feed/ 2
                  iPad 3 Release Date And Features https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/ipad-3-release-date-and-features/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/ipad-3-release-date-and-features/#comments Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:54:01 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=875 iPad 3 Release date:

                  It is thought that the iPad3 will be released in early-mid 2012, based on the following news about Sharp displays, with many saying that the first half of the year is more likely than the second, though clear dates on this are as of yet unknown.

                  Sharp to produce new iPad displays:

                  Sharp seem likely to be the company of choice when Apple come to upgrade their iPad display in the new iPad 3.

                  The Kameyama 2 plant which is owned by Sharp will be manufacturing the screens.

                  Sharp are already the manufacturer of choice for the displays in the iPhone 4S.

                  iPad 3 Release Date
                  iPad 3 Release Date

                  Apple are reportedly investing in Sharp’s Japanese production arm to make sure that it can meet the growing demand for the smartphone and tablets that they produce.

                  This news seems to suggest that the iPad will be getting a full release before mid 2012.

                  Display resolution to quadruple:

                  Currently the iPad offers a pretty reasonable but not genre beating 1024×768 display. This is likely to be increased to a much more impressive 2048×1536, which as it stands would mean that the iPad would reign as the highest resolution tablet on the market.

                  At this level of resolution, a 9.7 inch iPad display would deliver 264ppi, whereas current 10.1 inch displays on Android offer in the region of 150ppi, tablets would still not offer the same level of detail as smartphones, which currently offer anything up to and over 300ppi.

                  iPad still tablet leader:

                  With Apple recently proclaiming that they are not worried about the various new rival tablet contenders to hit the market. It is perhaps the fragmentation of the non Apple based tablet variety that really makes people want to stick with a stable company with a great operating system, and plenty of apps to make the experience your own.

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/ipad-3-release-date-and-features/feed/ 4
                  Starbucks Release UK App For iPhone and iPad https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/starbucks-release-uk-app-for-iphone-and-ipad/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/starbucks-release-uk-app-for-iphone-and-ipad/#comments Sat, 26 Nov 2011 18:56:27 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=832 Starbucks aims to become a tech lovers watering hole of choice:

                  Pocket-lint has reported that Starbucks is to add to it’s current technology offering on UK shores by allowing users of iPhones and iPads the option to pay for their Coffee via an app once it is released.

                  This will be on top of introducing a version of iTunes “pick of the week” in shops, and free Wi-Fi for its patrons.

                  Starbucks UK App
                  Starbucks UK App

                  I have covered a similar app when Pizza Express rolled out their new payment options via an application way back in the middle of 2011, so it is not like Starbucks are blazing a trail here, and in all honesty I fail to see just how much more convenient or indeed cool it would be to pay for your coffee using an app in many situations.

                  However it appears that Starbucks are listening and the people, they want apps.

                  Busy shop means queuing:

                  I must admit it is fair play if your local Starbucks is a nightmare to get served in and this is your coffee shop of choice. I am pretty impatient myself when push comes to shove, though I must admit that removing human interaction more and more actually makes me slightly worried about where the “human condition” may develop in the near to distant future…..”Ahhhhhhh it has real hands and talks just like me!”


                  In terms of the technology used to work the app Starbucks decided against NFC right now as they did not want to wait and instead had a custom built application that provided users the ability to pay for their goods. Apparently the one touch app will allow you to make that all important coffee purchase in 10 seconds, which seems pretty quick to me.

                  Brian Waring, VP of Marketing & Category for Starbucks UK and Ireland states:

                  “We wanted to find a way for [our customers] to pay in the quickest way possible, because our customers want it, we have created our own custom-built mobile payment technology rather than waiting for the near field communication technology which is currently not widely available, we’re always thinking of new ways to add value to our customers and give them more reasons to choose Starbucks.”

                  Android version?

                  There is no talk on when or if an Android version will appear but I am sure if it proves to be a success like many retail apps have been, then it will not be long before the Android version appears.

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/starbucks-release-uk-app-for-iphone-and-ipad/feed/ 1
                  Amazon Kindle Fire Review – The Lowdown https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/amazon-kindle-fire-review-the-lowdown/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/amazon-kindle-fire-review-the-lowdown/#comments Thu, 17 Nov 2011 21:39:56 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=744 It has been a long time coming, but finally Amazon have released their Apple and Android rival in the Amazon Kindle Fire, we take a look at what this ground breaking new tablet with the sub $200 price tag will bring to the marketplace now so many tablet options are available.

                  Amazon Kindle Fire = Entertainment on a budget?

                  Amazon are a shrewd set of tacticians. They are fully aware that in the connected world content is king. If you can not access good quality content it does not matter how good your platform or device is, you are stuck. So Amazon have been clever in gaining the rights to a vast amount of Music, Books, Films, and now games, on top of which they have developed a very canny eco-system/marketplace that allows users easy access to the Amazon store and marketplace as the Kindle is already pre registered at purchase/delivery, this is in a similar vain as iTunes relates to Apple products but at a much more all consuming level and is vastly more accomplished than anything the Google Android marketplace currently offers.

                  What is more they are giving access to their well respected, and in many ways ground breaking cloud service for free. Taking this tablet into completely new territory for this price range.

                  Watch the Amazon Kindle Fire video review below:

                  Kindle Fire Uses Customized Android O/S:

                  So with the new Kindle Fire running on Android 2.3 Gingerbread, is the retail giants new tablet offering a direct competitor to the likes of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, iPad or the Blackberry Playbook?

                  Well let’s take a look at the specs first of all:

                  Amazon Kindle Fire Technical Teardown:


                  • 1024 x 600, 7″ display
                  • Built in WiFi
                  • 8GB Storage
                  • Free Cloud Storage
                  • “Silk” browser
                  • Dual core processors
                  • No 3G


                  And some further statistics:

                  Weighing in at a sub $200 price tag has been rumoured to be a loss leader for Amazon, which always begs the question, why would a company offer something for less than cost price?

                  The answer no doubt is because of the Amazon eco-system, so yes, while Brazil’s’ lungs of the word are struggling, gasping and generally asking for help, the lungs of the largest internet retailers have become so huge that they can afford to swallow up and subsidise the consumer desire for tablets, just so long as they integrate themselves in the eco-system, which they are forced to do anyway…maybe the Amazon rain forest needs a big old cloud!…or perhaps benevolent dictators are the way forward?

                  The tablet for the generalist?

                  In my own opinion I feel that Amazon have really worked out what the mass market wants and aimed to deliver that in two ways:

                  1 – Price wise, $199 is well in the price point of most people, especially those who are “thinking?” about getting a tablet.

                  2 – Features wise, with access to 18 million movies, games, books, magazines and songs, content is within easy reach of Kindle Fire users, plus they have access to the Amazon cloud service to store things easily and safely rather than worrying about hard drives…this is a massive shift from hardware to the cloud.

                  So for the every day user, which we all are quite often, this tablet proves to be quite a winner.

                  With this in mind, we thought it would be rude to not delve a little deeper into what the tablet has to offer and how it works once you actually get a hold of the device.


                  Amazon Kindle Cloud
                  Source: Amazon

                  At 7 inches it is not a huge device and does fit neatly into bags and perhaps even some pockets for the less vertically challenged, rather than the average person. At just under a pound in weight, it is less weight than the iPad 2, though it does feel a bit clunky.

                  It appears to utilise the tried and tested one button approach, but takes this to the extreme as it literally has only the one button, though this has ended up being a snagging point as it is a disappearing touchscreen button that is not quite ready when you want it.

                  Using the Kindle Fire:

                  So what happens when you start to use the device properly?

                  Amazon Kindle Carousel homescreen
                  Source: Amazon

                  The Amazon Kindle Fire uses a carousel homescreen with all your content easily accessed at the swipe of a hand which is seemingly a nice touch, a variant on the app style of Android and Apple, with the top bar offering categorised content also, Video, news, Books, Docs etc, their is a minor gripe with responsiveness but it is only a minor issue occasionally noticed.

                  Kindle Fire Music:

                  Amazon Kindle Music Store
                  Source: Amazon

                  With over 17 million songs already available, the new Amazon music store is a serious iTunes rival, when using it you are OK to upload your tracks from iTunes and can then purchase more music using the device and the marketplace, you are also able to transfer music using WiFi or USB. Being stored in the cloud means you can then access this content from any computer with a WiFi connection and access to the internet.

                  Kindle Fire Books:

                  With over 1 million books for the Kindle device, the original use of the Kindle still has huge appeal even if the black and white anti glare screen is missing, what is more there are thousands of out of copyright material that is totally free to download and enjoy.

                  So you can use the tablet just like an e-reader with pages that swipe, controls over font size, typeface and margins and line spacing. You are also able to add notes as you read and highlight areas of interest. A nice feature is that you can access Wikipedia straight away with words that are unfamiliar by simply holding down for a few second on highlighted text. With Amazon Whispersync remembering where yo are with your reading material so you can get back to where you left with ease, all in all things work very well on the new kindle.

                  Kindle Fire Newsstand:

                  With around 400 colour digital newspapers and a 3-month free trial to 17 Condé Nast magazines. you can read your favourite news as you woudl pretty much on any other tablet, and do all the things you would except to customise the experience to your own taste.

                  Kindle Fire Video:

                  With video being one of the Internet’s main drainers in terms of data used, the simple fact remains that people love a good film or to watch shows or clips of cats doing silly things, oh yes and that other vice.

                  And though Amazon are not forging ahead into the Adult arena just yet, they are muscling into yet another large technology giants territory with access to more and more premium video content.

                  Can you see where Amazon are going with their new tablet?…it is ALL about content and easy access to this.

                  With the Kindle Fire you get one months access to Amazon Prime which offers unlimited streaming, similar to Netflix’s options, though with only 8GB of storage on the device you will be needing to ensure that you are connected via WiFi at all times when using as the storage space is limited.

                  Kindle Fire Apps:

                  If you already use Pulse as a news aggregation service, then the fact that this is the only app that is given initially will be welcome news!…pun intended. But if you want more apps as we are sure you will, then you will have to start looking around the Amazon Appstore, which is basically a similar version to the Android marketplace, with all your favorite apps like angry birds and such like, which are all rumoured to work perfectly well.

                  Kindle Fire Email:

                  Thankfully your email accounts in various different disguises, Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, and IMAP and POP systems are all easy to configure within the Kindle Fire and the integration seems to be great also for Microsoft Exchange users when using the Microsoft Exchange App in the App store.

                  Kindle Fire Web Browsing:

                  Amazon Kindle Web Browsing
                  Source: Amazon

                  Amazon’s brand new “Silk” browser seems to take one of the key features that made the e-commerce giant so successful and add a new spin on it, and that was the ability to profile you and up-sell more “stuff”. In the browsers case “Silk” will remember what pages seem to be the most important to you and offer them up as you browse. Could this be used to up-sell more content, damn straight it could and probably will.

                  Kindle Fire Battery:

                  Amazon have delivered well here. A tablet that can last 8 hours of use with “continuous reading” is a device that finally has some credibility in terms of usability of a portable device, ironically though, with it’s cloud based eco-system that needs to be connected to the internet for so much of its functionality I expect most people will have access to a power point anyway while using this WiFi loving and 3G missing tablet.


                  The Amazon Kindle Fire is a content lover that excels at delivering entertainment on a budget, it is a perfect gift for a wide variety of people and also allows late adopters of tablet like devices to sample a good quality tablet device for under $200.

                  Integrate this tablet to Amazons’ prime package at $79 per year and you have one hell of an entertainment system for sub $300:

                  Amazon Prime is an annual membership program that offers customers unlimited Free Two-Day Shipping on millions of items, instant streaming of more than 10,000 movies and TV shows and access to borrow a Kindle book every month, including New York Times Bestsellers, with no due dates — all for just $79 a year. Eligible customers who purchase a Kindle Fire will be given a free month of Amazon Prime.

                  As such, the Amazon Kindle Fire gets a huge thumb’s up from me as this new tablet will hopefully bring about a bit of a price war where consumers can start to benefit a little more in terms of what they pay to become “connected”.

                  The technology contained is not the most advanced but with a price tag sub $200, the occasional screen lag at certain periods of use is a minor gripe as this tablet is great in so many other ways that allow it to be a really utilitarian device.

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/amazon-kindle-fire-review-the-lowdown/feed/ 23
                  Web Traffic Dominated By iOS Mobile Devices https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/web-traffic-dominated-by-ios-mobile-devices/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/web-traffic-dominated-by-ios-mobile-devices/#comments Wed, 12 Oct 2011 16:33:31 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=644 Smartphones And Tablets Dominate Web Traffic

                  ComScore have released data showing smartphones and tablets are growing in popularity to such a large amount that they now take up a huge part of US web traffic, and this figure is growing.

                  It is stated by the research company that 6.8% of all web traffic in the US for August was from these kind of devices, with two-thirds of this being from mobile phones, and the rest being made up of iPad like devices and tablets. With the iPad taking up 97.2% of the “tablet” market.

                  iPad pushing more traffic than iPhones:

                  With Apples iOS taking up approximately 58.5% of all mobile web traffic for August in the U.S the breakdown per device comes in at the following amounts:

                  iPhone = 42.6%

                  iPad = 46.8%

                  Wealthy Young Males Love iPads:

                  It is no huge surprise that the demographic who has been the quickest to adopt iPads are young and relatively wealthy males, nearly a third were between the ages of 25 and 34, and nearly 50% of these people came from households with combined incomes of more than $100,000 per year.

                  iPad users love Social Networks and Shopping:

                  The share of web traffic for tablets when compared to smartphones and iPhones is quite an interesting statistic for content creators, e-commerce stores and online newspapers as it shows that the size of the screen seems to increase the amount of time people spend using the device.

                  So the statistics show that around 60% of people access social networks on their tablets with news accounting for another large amount of data with 25% accessing news services on a daily basis.

                  Customer Ratings Accessed While Shopping:

                  In the month of August users of tablet devices in the US used their device to look up information on prices of items they were buying from stores, with 54% of these also accessing customer ratings and reviews. With around 50% of these people then actually making a purchase as a result of the information obtained.

                  Why is increased traffic occurring?

                  Mobile data is increasing as a result of two things:

                  1 – Increased mobile devices that are Wi-Fi and 3G options, tablets, smartphones being the main culprits.

                  2 – Increased access and options for data from mobile networks.

                  Mobile data consumed by mobile devices has increased by 3% from the last three months, and 90% of tablet browsing was done on Wi-Fi.

                  Approximately 116 million U.S. residents use mobile media — this is up by nearly a fifth on the last years available data.

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/web-traffic-dominated-by-ios-mobile-devices/feed/ 2
                  Steve Jobs Dies – The Legacy https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/steve-jobs-dies-the-legacy/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/steve-jobs-dies-the-legacy/#comments Sat, 08 Oct 2011 17:06:00 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=640 Steve Jobs Dies – But Has Apple Also?

                  It is genuinely sad news to hear that Steve Jobs had finally succumb to the big C after such a long and brave battle with the disease.

                  Let me tell you some of my thoughts on Apple, and why this man has had such a positive effect on me and how this differs from anything the initial rivalry at Microsoft could have offered.

                  Two wars in a lifetime and both eventually won:

                  People seem to forget a few key issues regarding Steve Jobs’s life at Apple:


                  • He was a founder who later on got the boot and was then later reinstated prior to the company’s meteoric success.
                  • He proved that the “money was only in software” attitude that many technology fools bandied about in the late 90’s to mid 2000’s was totally untrue in the long term as Microsoft are now fully aware.
                  • He fought as underdog and won almost all battles he undertook until his eventual battle with cancer was unfortunately a battle too far.
                  • He brought to he world a number of devices that revolutionised two huge industries: mobile phones, and music.
                  • He also brought to the world new devices that the world did not even realise they wanted or needed.


                  It is true to say that the world would have been a lot more frustrating and uglier without the man who came to define the “i” generation, a very wide generation that is now all consuming via the very products that act as the conduits to modern day communication for a growing amount of humans on planet Earth.

                  iPhone 4S a bit of a let-down:

                  Could the release of the new iPhone be a sign that things are slowing down at Apple?

                  Or is this just a case of taking a bit of Apple taking a breather after such profound news that affects such a huge company is digested.

                  Steve Jobs Dies
                  Steve Jobs Dies

                  Either way Apple always like to keep their cards close to their sleeves and undoubtedly this will remain the case with the new CEO Tim Cook.

                  My own ode to Steve Jobs and Apple:

                  There is no doubt that the decision by myself to adopt Apple macs back when I was a music producer was a distinct life changer. Up to this point in early 1999 I had struggled to get along with highly average PC’s with an operating system that seemed to simply not do as I wanted.

                  At the time you were either Mac or PC and I happily found myself calling myself a Mac lover almost with in the first few weeks of moving to my G4, I have since owned a Macbook, iPod, iPhone, and use an iMac daily.

                  I can only say that while I was studying I used to watch my fellow non Mac students struggle with various applications (ahem programs) and continually battle with errors and bugs.

                  As a result I can safely say that I would not be using a computer to the extent I do without switching to a mac as I would have binned it and turned to tree surgery or something much more hand on….should I thank Apple?

                  Yes I reckon so, Steve jobs presided over a relatively small company initially, that became a Goliath through a clear vision of usability and design being the most important factors to any device that hits the shelves and long may this continue, he taught the world a lot in his life and also battled with his pancreatic cancer for 6 years meanwhile his company became the largest in the World….some achievement I must say.

                  Tim Cook…you have one hell of a man to live up to….good luck.

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/steve-jobs-dies-the-legacy/feed/ 1
                  Stevie Wonder Praises Steve Jobs Over Accessibility https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/stevie-wonder-praises-steve-jobs-over-accessibility/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/stevie-wonder-praises-steve-jobs-over-accessibility/#respond Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:05:05 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=593 Stevie wonder praises Apple and Steve Jobs for devices and accessibility:

                  When Steve Jobs and Apple released the first iDevices, such as the iPod and iPhone, many people questioned the size and lack of a tactile surface as a potential disability discriminator in the technology field.

                  It appears these commentators got this very wrong and in 2011 Apple devices are getting the praise of one of the most famous blind people on the planet over their user friendly design and features.

                  Stevie Wonder Apple
                  Stevie Wonder Apple

                  Steve wonder has just proclaimed to the world that apple have made the smartphone accessible for everyone, with subtle features that help the visually impaired work the phone as easy as his more visually able counterpart.

                  He addressed the audience in an LA nightclub, ad-libbing to songs, and breaking off to thank Steve Jobs and Apple, stating:

                  “There’s nothing on the iPad or iPhone you can do that I can’t do.”

                  Disabled users largely benefit from new devices?

                  With a large percentage of technology users with disabilities ranging form site to motor functions to learning difficulties it is interesting to note how many areas Apple devices have helped people.

                  There are now many applications on the market for Apple devices, iPads in particular that help people with disabilities to do various things easier or what they may not have been able to do at all, from communicating easier to working out problems.

                  The topic deserves an article and is on the back-burner for further research so watch this space for news on how Apple devices and indeed the new breed of technology that is becoming common place is really helping users with disability’s.

                  I will also pick up on some issues that lead me to believe that not all disabled people have the same joy from using these slim, slippery, touch sensitive devices. I am thinking Arthritis suffers, and would like to learn more about their issues when using iPads, iPhones and their equivalents.

                  Your thoughts?

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/stevie-wonder-praises-steve-jobs-over-accessibility/feed/ 0
                  Windows 8 Kills Off Flash For Good? https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/windows-8-kills-off-flash-for-good/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/windows-8-kills-off-flash-for-good/#comments Fri, 16 Sep 2011 12:39:28 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=589 Microsoft join Apple to Kill Flash on the web:

                  You have to love the technology world. Why? Because it keeps you well and truly on your toes! Only the other day I wrote an article about how Adobe had pandered to Apple’s dislike of all things Flash and created a workaround that would allow Apple devices to show Flash video in particular.

                  Today, we hear that Microsoft Window’s much anticipated update to the Windows 7 series, Windows 8, will most likely kill off flash support, also signalling the perhaps timely death of the much used but often criticised format.

                  So what is happening with the new Windows update?

                  No Flash Windows 8
                  No Flash Windows 8

                  Similar to Apple, Microsoft appear to be dumping plug-ins contained within their Internet explorer 10 browser and the new “metro” style Windows 8 interface.

                  Windows 8 aims to be the all-in-one operating system for smartphones/tablets and PC’s.

                  The change is however quite intriguing and will mean that you will still be able to access content that needs plug-ins but users will have to revert back to the older desktop version to use them. So Windows 8 users who want to stick in the modern “metro” style interface will not be able to get Flash content on the plug-in free operating system…or is it that simple?

                  So what will provide the new user experience that so many people know and love if flash is to be dumped?…HTML5 to the rescue.

                  Yes for once Microsoft appear to be taking a leaf out of trend leaders books and not dragging their heels with new technology that is designed to enhance and speed up life for users of the internet.

                  Dean Hachamovtich has started in a Microsoft blog:

                  “For the web to move forward and for consumers to get the most out of touch-first browsing, the Metro style browser in Windows 8 is as HTML5-only as possible, and plug-in free, the experience that plug-ins provide today is not a good match with Metro style browsing and the modern HTML5 web.”

                  HTML 5 offered as a result of Apples precedent:

                  With many video hosting sites now offering an HTML 5 version of their video as a reaction to Apples refusal to budge on the Flash issue.
                  Microsoft has done research of its own and found that of the top 97,000 sites globally, 62% already offer a HTML5 version already.

                  So what happens if you visit a site that does not offer a HTML5 alternative?

                  Essentially it looks like you will be given an option to “Use Desktop View” and this will take you back to the traditional desktop so you can carry on and view as you would using Windows 7 etc.

                  Where does this leave Silverlight – Microsoft Flash competitor’s?

                  With silverlight being a tool/framework that could still be used by developers, will they incorporate this into their O/S?

                  I actually do not know the answer here but will be keeping a close ear to the ground on developments.

                  Will they eventually just build flash into their browser like Google?

                  It is unclear whether Microsoft have any plans to slightly mislead people by building the Flash application into their browser and thus avoid the term “plugin” as Google do with Chrome, but one of the other interesting areas is that they have “kind of” stated that they will support add-ons; those third party applications that can make the user experience more tailored to the individual….but only on the desktop version…

                  Steven Sinofksy, president of Windows and Windows Live has said:

                  “In Windows 8, IE 10 is available as a Metro style app and as a desktop app. The desktop app continues to fully support all plug-ins and extensions.”

                  So there is some confusion if there will be an add-on supported Metro interface, though it appears only the desktop version/option looks probable from the above words.

                  All these changes look likely to go some way to improving the speed and perhaps the security of the Microsoft browser and operating systems, something that they have seriously suffered with over many years.

                  Adobe to suffer?

                  If the metro style interface is shown as the default medium to interact using Windows 8, then Adobe could be in serious trouble in relation to Flash.

                  Do you think this move by Microsoft will be the nail in the coffin for flash as we know it and if so do you think it is deserved? Or do you think Microsoft will renege on their slightly unclear statements and incorporate flash into their browser, carrying on it’s large scale use and lifespan?

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/windows-8-kills-off-flash-for-good/feed/ 1
                  Flash On The iPhone At Last? https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/flash-on-the-iphone-at-last/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/flash-on-the-iphone-at-last/#respond Mon, 12 Sep 2011 07:43:00 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=575 Adobe Flash on iPhone

                  With the arrival of Adobe media server 4.5, the team behind the Adobe creative suite has seemingly bowed to pressure from Apple.

                  I examine why this has happened and what it will mean for Apple and other manufacturers who already use the Flash framework to display content on their mobile devices.

                  The History behind a lack of support for Flash on Apple devices:

                  Apple had claimed that the flash video format was too processor hungry and did not make use of hardware acceleration. For this reason they have chosen to not support the widely used format at all on their mobile devices such as iPad and iPhone.

                  Since Flash 10.1 Adobe have made use of hardware acceleration but Apple have continued their stance of not supporting it natively.

                  Adobe pander to Apple – Will Google and Microsoft be happy?

                  While Apple are still not budging in their overall stance, Adobe must be concerned that so much content is being watched via a totally different player than their own highly successful, dominant force on traditional web browsers, desktops, Android and Windows based devices.

                  New way of delivery patches the issue for now:

                  Flash On iPhone
                  Flash On iPhone

                  Because Adobe do not want to miss out on the traffic that Apple devices obviously get, they have worked to provide a means of delivering Flash based video by detecting the device and then in Apples case, streaming that content in a format that Apple devices support…sneaky and great for Apple users, as they can now benefit from having flash playback minus the draining of processor and battery power when using Flash as a normal player as is currently the case for Android and Windows based devices.

                  Even though flash claim to have improved the hardware issue in version 10.1/10.2, Apple seem not interested in allowing Flash to work natively.

                  This new solution to the old video format war between the two giants is welcome news to Apple users but will no doubt throw into question why other O/S’s and manufacturers are supporting Flash natively when there are still issues around its power consumption which ultimately leads people to negatively comment on a devices battery life.

                  I for one am not convinced that Flash is so power intensive that it is of any real concern to most users, though maybe the updated version truly is improved as Adobe claim and utilises hardware acceleration more efficiently. I have a Samsung S2 and the battery life is dire on it I have to say, but I have not noticed that using Flash for video playback has really affected my battery life to such an extent where I would only sparingly watch video in the future in order to mitigate the effects Apple claim occur from using Flash.

                  What Apple want Apple get:

                  It seems that Apple just can not lose right now, they are very much on the crest of a massive wave, taking the tech World by storm. The Germans are bowing down to their pressure over the Samsung range of devices, and now Adobe are working solutions to fit around Apple’s own stance against Adobe’s own technology.

                  I have always been very annoyed that Apple stuck their neck’s out and were so stubborn with Adobe over flash. It was actually the main reason I was open minded to other devices rather than the iPhone I obtained just after they came out. Put simply, I missed Flash for various areas such as interactivity online and obviously video. The lack of support hampered my experience and must have lost Apple quite a few sales. So, lucky for them that Adobe have seemingly pandered to their whims, though it appears that this will only be for flash video playback and not full flash functionality as many would like to see.

                  What next for Apple I wonder?

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/flash-on-the-iphone-at-last/feed/ 0
                  Amazon Tablet Due For October Release https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/amazon-tablet-due-for-october-release/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/amazon-tablet-due-for-october-release/#respond Wed, 31 Aug 2011 15:45:12 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=529 Amazon Tablet Launch Date:

                  In an update to rumours that Amazon may enter a price war with Apple when they finally release their versions of the Apple iPad tablet computer. News from component suppliers Foxconn Electronics in an article in Taiwanese trade publication called Digitimes suggests that the launch date for the larger 10 inch version will be sometime in the first quarter of 2012.

                  Foxconn are already used to manufacturing parts for the iPad and other tablets, and also take on the production of their kindle with around 15-18 million units of the popular e-reader manufactured in 2011 which equates to around 60-70% of global e-reader shipments of 25-30 million.

                  In addition to the tablet PC, Amazon also outsources its Kindle e-book reader to Foxconn with an estimated volume of 15-18 million units, accounting for 60-70% of global e-book reader shipments of 25-30 million units in 2011.

                  A company called Quanta is behind the rumoured 7 inch version of the Amazon tablet, which apparently began production earlier this year, with an estimated 2 million units expected to be available by launch in late 2011.

                  No official news yet from Amazon:

                  New Amazon Design For Tablets

                  Amazon are still keeping the news of their tablets very close to their chest, though a new site redesign with a friendlier tablet version with larger buttons and a more prominent search bar suggest they are very aware of what they are currently missing out on.

                  The two words that we are currently left with from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is pretty much all that has been said definitely from Amazon regarding the tablet computer and that is:

                  “Stay tuned”

                  If the tablet does indeed run on Google’s Android (which it almost certainly will). I think this could be quite a good piece of news for Google considering some of the rumours from South Korea about Samsung and LG potentially jumping ship with help from the government, less good news for Apple though if Amazon’s potential to shift numbers is ramped up to full capacity.

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/amazon-tablet-due-for-october-release/feed/ 0
                  Amazon Tablet To Be Much Cheaper Than The iPad https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/amazon-tablet-to-be-much-cheaper-than-the-ipad/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/amazon-tablet-to-be-much-cheaper-than-the-ipad/#respond Tue, 30 Aug 2011 19:08:31 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=526 Amazon’s tablet competitor possible named “Hollywood” is likely to be cheaper than the iPad:

                  With no real news coming from Amazon concerning the anticipated “Hollywood” tablet, so like any good reporters, a dash of speculation is sometimes needed to fire up the grey cells when a lack of reality is present.

                  So in firm speculation mode with a little help from Forrester research, lets take a look at an area that seems to be making the rounds right now, and that is pricing.

                  Amazon tablet price war:

                  The latest rumour mills are showing that Amazon maybe looking to take Apple on head to head in a dirty old price war, an area many manufacturers have been reluctant to move towards and so the consumer has seen very little movement in the cost of one tablet over the other. In such a head to head with current manufacturers Apple’s iPad has been winning hands down due to favourable reviews and let’s face it a better tablet experience and app store, though Android based tablets as a whole are taking massive market share, individually Apple are still in the lead though.

                  However, a recent unexpected forced price change within the market, related to the HP touchpad being sold off cheap due to the company canning the tablet, has uniquely highlighted that if you drop a tablet to a certain price point (albeit sub £100 which is seriously cheap) you get a surge in demand that way outstrips supply, the people, they want tablets. So what will that perfect balance and ultimately price be for Amazon?

                  Amazon to release two tablets?

                  Amazon Tablet iPad Pricewar
                  Amazon Tablet iPad Pricewar

                  The New York Post seems to think that the budget tablet option is a real goer for Amazon, we have already discussed the UK’s recent foray into the cut price tablet market with the Android based Andy Pad, a sub £130 tablet that promises to punch way above it’s weight and comes in two sizes and hence specifications. It would appear that the PC is well and truly under attack and that consumers will be getting their hands on a tablet sooner or later for much less money than they might have originally thought thanks to innovation and competition.

                  Could the smaller cut price tablet be a sub $200 tablet?

                  This is a tricky one as Amazon’s run away success in the Kindle is priced at such a point to be a much more care free purchase than anything in the hundreds of dollars. But at what point do you push the kindle market off the cliff by suggesting that a tablet is a more rounded option for only tens of dollars more? I think that the Amazon tablet will not quite be sub $200 straight away.

                  Sarah Rotman Epps analyst at Forresters is quoted saying:

                  “Amazon’s willingness to sell hardware at a loss combined with the strength of its brand, content, cloud infrastructure, and commerce assets makes it the only credible iPad competitor in the market. If Amazon launches a tablet at a sub-$300 price point — assuming it has enough supply to meet demand — we see Amazon selling 3-5 million tablets in Q4 alone.”

                  With Amazon likely to be able to monetize its tablet sales even further due to it’s Amazon app marketplace, it could be feasible that they could run at breakeven costs or even a small loss and make up revenues in netflix subscriptions and app sales etc.

                  Rumours also abound that Amazon have taken on a third manufacturer to meet its needs in building the units that Amazon have so far kept under wraps so well. For now it appears that Mr and Mrs gossip will have to keep you updated as regular as we possibly can via that dirty old grapevine and a little poetic licensing.

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/amazon-tablet-to-be-much-cheaper-than-the-ipad/feed/ 0
                  BBC iPlayer Heads To Europe On The iPad https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/bbc-iplayer-heads-to-europe-on-the-ipad/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/bbc-iplayer-heads-to-europe-on-the-ipad/#respond Wed, 15 Jun 2011 10:40:13 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=145 With a growing number of Ex-Pats moving to mainland Europe and its warmer more relaxing Islands, the lack of iPlayer support means many British miss out on new and old programmes from the UK’s national broadcaster.

                  Couple this with the International appeal of a broad section of its programming output and we can see why the BBC has decided to monetize its content to a wider audience on a non TV based platform.

                  So how much will it cost:

                  Well firstly you will need an iPad to access the content.

                  So that’s already around €400+ out of the pocket!

                  Without seeing exact figures we are hearing reports that the monthly fee will come to around €6 or under.

                  Obviously the UK license fee payer pays a full colour license of £145 a year considerably more than €6 a month.

                  So will the UK tax payer start moaning about subsidising Ex-Pats and the rest of Europe with the sale of its own license fee paid for productions?

                  iPlayer comes to Europe:

                  The BBC is set to makes it’s innovative iPlayer service available to Western Europeans with an iPad for a monthly subscription fee later this summer.

                  Here in the UK, access to the iPlayer is covered by the license fee we pay for our television service but the Beeb will introduce a monthly subscription to outsiders for access.

                  The official sums haven’t quite been done yet, so we’re still in the dark as to the official subscription fee; but it will be less than $10 (£6) per month. Sounds like a good deal, although you’ll have to shell out for an iPad to take advantage of it at first.

                  Not quite catch up TV:

                  Jana Bennett, President of global iPlayer, describes the European version of iPLayer as a very different beast more in-line with a video library service that curates old and new content and delivers this to peoples Internet connections.

                  She is quoted as saying:

                  “The freedom from catch-up means that we’ve got a lot more flexibility in terms of what we put on there and how we present it,”

                  International aims:

                  The desire is to spread the iPlayer to other regions and go global and we say why not.

                  BBC’s under huge financial pressure after governments decision to cut funding subsidy.

                  The funding gap that now exists with the BBC needs to be filled somehow.

                  For too long, the worlds (arguably) most respected broadcaster has pumped radio, TV, and print material into the homes and ears and eyeballs of billions internationally and in some cases without a great deal of recompense.

                  We are aware that BBC Worldwide is a highly successful commercial arm of the BBC aimed at selling the rights to content to a broader audience than the UK, including franchises, programming, magazines etc and that linking in with HBO and the likes of National Geographic to create programming makes much more commercial sense.

                  Monetizing a form of aggregation/syndication service like the iPlayer makes sense:

                  We are glad to see the BBC take the reigns with their existing content and try to package this up on a modern format (the iPad) to maximise the money generated from old and new content produced so they can hopefully continue to provide more niche services such as BBC Radio 6 which had been under threat recently.

                  Pay-Walls to become more prevalent?

                  Are we slowly seeing content producers successfully starting to put pay-walls up on their own content as a result of a new way of consuming media via SmartPhones, and Tablets?

                  NYT, The Times in the UK, and now the BBC iPlayer for Europe.

                  What do you think?

                  Should innovation come at a cost and should being an early adopter of new technology also have a premium or is this the start of an eroding of the way we all stand fairly equal (arguably) in the consumption of content via the Internet and with wireless and mobile technology, or is elitism starting to enter the mobile and web arena?

                  Your thoughts please…

                  Editorial Staff]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/bbc-iplayer-heads-to-europe-on-the-ipad/feed/ 0
                  iOS5 Review and Analysis https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/ios5-review-and-analysis/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/ios5-review-and-analysis/#respond Wed, 08 Jun 2011 19:09:57 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=103 Apple has updated its iOS for mobile devices and at the 2011 keynote speech this week they also shared with the world the news that iCloud will offer users the possibility to share all your saved data and applications across all your iOS5 run devices.

                  This article is not going to talk about how the new iOS5 is catching up to Android etc and has always been superior…yawn.

                  Seriously I am tired of the argument that one OS is ahead of the other, if you can not see that it will be in continual flux, where one platform releases new features in one update and the other platform releases a catch up and more features in the next update then please just whine about something more interesting

                  Pointless comparisons aside we do enjoy hearing about your wishes for updates for the iOS and Android…and we will also be writing useful comparisons so buyers can be informed about what they are getting at particular times in the products life-cycle.

                  So let’s get down to the new features:

                  Firstly the release date looks likely to be in Autumn of 2011, and the system will be able to run on iPhone 3GS. iTouch 3rd and 4th Gen, up to the new planned iPhone 5’s.

                  No need to use iTunes or a PC for future updates:

                  Apple is “pulling the plug” on the need to stick a cable into the back of your device for future updates, meaning once you have updated to iOS5 you will only need to download the 600MB data once via a PC (iTunes), updates will be added as and when needed (Delta updates) and can be done via an internet connection.

                  Integration with the cloud


                  With the new iOS5 and ICloud all you need to do is enter your Apple ID and a password for seamless integration between all your saved data, apps, music, photos, meaning that your HD is now less of an issue but obviously you will need to be within an Internet connection.



                  A pretty cool new feature blurring the distinction between phone, text, email and SMS and MMS will be a feature called iMessage which will allow users of iPhones, iPads and iTouches the chance to share photo’s, videos and contacts as well as start a group messaging service, perhaps something akin to Facebook.

                  With real-time notifications the technology will work over wireless (Wi-Fi) and 3g connections.

                  RIM (research in motion) and Blackberry devices already have something called BBM but this will not compare to the ease and functionality that iMessage should provide so is actually quite a worrying new feature for RIM.



                  Not so much a total overhaul but more of an update to allow users to take photos using the lock screen making snap shots easier, also the inbuilt editing of photos will be a little more comprehensive, though we dare say noting to write how about, but that’s usually what other apps are designed for.

                  Twitter integration


                  With the new OS twitter will be natively built-in and any applications that can utilise the twitter API will automatically be signed in on your accounts behalf.

                  Camera and photo applications will be integrated into the functionality also.

                  Depending on what Twitter do with the new photo functionality this looks like a well thought out addition.



                  With news stand users will be able to browse and purchase newspapers and magazines by subscription base. This will cone into its own when Apple finally release the marketplace for subscription finally comes into fruition for all the avid readers especially iPad users who will get the full screen multimedia experience for there favourite iRags, with video and audio looking splendid no doubt.


                  ios5 notifications

                  No longer are the notifications as annoying as they have been, push notifications can be annoying.

                  Th new notification centre is Apples answer to the lack of control previously available related to push notifications.

                  The notification while using the phone will not be as obtrusive but will simply push down at the top of the screen so you can see it but not have it stop what you are doing.

                  You can then swipe down the screen to look at further notifications.



                  An updated Safari sees tabbed browsing being added, which will save a bit of time and improve useabilty, there is also something called reading mode which removes distraction (and adds) and will allow users to read stories without distraction.

                  An option to email the contents of what you are reading and a quicker interface will mean that Safari is a much improved version of the native browser for iDevices.


                  ios5 reminders

                  This feature will help you set up little to do lists suppose it may be of some use to people who use remember the milk my preferred to do list provider currently, time will tell.



                  The mail feature will now include rich text formatting, a better more comprehensive search function to include the body of the message and also better indent control.



                  Here the new OS will allow gamers a route to buying games directly and also to keep track of friends recommend games and have score charts to show off.


                  As many people will agree, the updates here are not revolutionary but do bring the iPhone up to date with some of the features already found elsewhere, the Twitter function will help bring social aspects closer and less of a ball ache to perform as integration between games and apps increases.

                  All in all a pretty safe update that has some useful features but nothing too ground breaking compared with other keynote speeches and OS releases.

                  What do you think of Apples iPhone? A ground breaking phone that has been superseded or still the industry leader?

                  Anthony Munns]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/ios5-review-and-analysis/feed/ 0
                  Flickr Gets A Pasting As Competitors Loom https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/flickr-gets-a-pasting-as-competitors-loom/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/flickr-gets-a-pasting-as-competitors-loom/#respond Sat, 04 Jun 2011 11:27:56 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=67 Flickr the popular photo sharing site owned and developed by Yahoo has taken a bashing recently for its bad user design…..we ask why?

                  When one of your own designers (Timoni West) publicly tears apart a fundamental design flaw in Flickr as part of the user experience in her own blog, you know that the rot is likely to have set in at the Flickr camp for some time.

                  So who is the main competitor on the scenes?

                  The name we keep hearing about is 500px a plucky little upstart that has just found itself with a Series A funding windfall of around $500,000 thanks to its attention to user experience and the various ways it aims to stick to its core ethos of helping photographers reach a wider audience.

                  How are they going to differentiate from the rest?


                  Flickr never really allowed much engagement with its sterile complicated interface.

                  Dig like buttons:

                  People love to vote and share its what makes the Internet social.

                  Ipad and Iphone support:

                  We all know how good photos look on an Ipad so they have developed a fancy HTML5 and JavaScript based app so you can look and share your photos with friend in style.

                  Flickr dead?

                  Well if the essence of Timoni’s post is to be taken in full context, the fact that it was written after a proposed total overhaul of the user experience was pitched a year ago and nothing actioned.

                  It does look like Flickr could be taking things way too slowly to steer a course of beneficial outcomes for the team and company in the near future, time will obviously tell.

                  Your voice?

                  So what do you think of the Flickr issues?

                  And when you have had chance to evaluate 500px let us know where you think they succeed and perhaps also are currently failing….we love to hear your constructive comments!

                  Editorial Staff]]>
                  https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/flickr-gets-a-pasting-as-competitors-loom/feed/ 0