Analytics – Mobile News | Mobile Inquirer Smartphone, Tablet and Technology News and Reviews Thu, 13 Apr 2017 13:12:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Users Spend More Time On Apps Than Traditional Internet Tue, 11 Apr 2017 13:56:18 +0000 A recent report by research group Flurry using Alexa statistics has highlighted a milestone.

For the first time ever US mobile users spend more time using Apps than accessing the Internet from traditional means such as browsers.


Convenience and user experience are reasons that apps are blazing ahead of traditional Internet use…but why?


Similar to the way e-books have now surpassed traditional printed book sales. The key differentiators and drivers have been a new method of delivery and experience; in this case the trusted e-reader allows convenience and a more functional method of use when reading books on the go.

In the case of apps:

Quite simply it is easier and again functional to click a button (rather than type in a URL) and the benefits in the case of social networks and news ad games is a quicker load time, an optimised experience and quicker access to the desired application.

This shift relates to usability and is a natural progression when users are given easier options of access.

Games and Social Networks:



Looking at the chart we can clearly see that Games take sup close to 50% of all consumers time, with one third using Social Networks, when combined the total reaches approximately 80% of total app time, with users of these categories using them more frequently and for longer.

This result is predictable when both categories currently offer the most engaging experience on mobile phones.

Social networking:

With Facebook being used by such large quantities of people are such long periods of time, we wonder just what will happen with the HTML5 based “Project Spartan” which aims to allow Facebook users access to apps from within the browser, this sounds like a very clear tactics to dominate use even further.

This space is likely to see three major players dominate, Google, Apple and we predict Facebook in time.

What are your thoughts on apps?

Do you prefer them over the Internet for browsing news and playing games….or is a traditional web page a preference for news or indeed your gaming desires?

Anthony Munns]]> 1
Carrier IQ Lawsuits Grow Mon, 05 Dec 2011 19:32:52 +0000 Carrier IQ, smartphone manufacturers and networks are sued over phone tracking:

We have already covered the news that Carrier IQ was potentially tracking over 140,000,000 mobile devices at the end of last week.

Carrier IQ Sees Class Actions Brought Against Them In Delaware Court
Carrier IQ Sees Class Actions Brought Against Them In Delaware Court

Now, when you hear the name Carrier IQ, you automatically think of potentially illegal phone tracking, so it is also interesting to see just how quickly the legal teams gather pace when the mention of a breach of privacy is muted.

A number of law firms are gunning for carrier IQ and companies who used their technology:

The following law firms have jointly filed a class action complaint in a Delaware Court against carrier IQ:

Eichen Crutchlow Zaslow & McElroy LLP, Sianni & Straite LLP, and Keefe Bartels L.L.C.

This relates to what is being described as:

“cell phone tracking software scandal.”

and an,

“unprecedented breach of the digital privacy rights of 150 million cell phone users.”

It is reported that HTC, AT&T, Motorola, Apple, Sprint, T-Mobile and more are also going to be hearing from the law firms mentioned above in relation to the potential abuse of privacy of smartphone owners globally.

Carrier IQ sounds ostensibly good natured:

The problem as I see it with carrier IQ is that to all intents and purposes it masquerades as a perfectly safe and capable tracking software that is intended to aid manufacturers find bugs and issues with their devices and networks, and so make the users life more pleasurable, and pain free.

The problem is that this software is installed discretely without the device owner having any knowledge, and there is no opt in or out option when you get your new device.

The company sell the software as:

“Mobile Service Intelligence solutions that have revolutionized the way mobile operators and device vendors gather and manage information from end users”

Sounds all well and good, but surely personal privacy is a highly valued right in our society.

Personal privacy the issue for most:

Many people in the US and wider feel that governments and corporations are taking more and more liberties with our own personal information. And while we hope that the concern is only that, a real issue presents itself when something so covert as tracking software is installed on your personal communication device.

The issue is about full transparency, as there is also a theory that keystrokes are included in the data that gets reported (if a patent application is anything to go by), though it has to be said that I am becoming less convinced that this was the case currently (perhaps this was due to be rolled out later)….

At which point, I wonder when we would have been informed of this?

My guess is never.

David Straite, one of the lawyers leading this crusade, said in a statement.

“This latest revelation of corporate America’s brazen disregard for the digital privacy rights of its customers is yet another example of the escalating erosion of liberty in this country,”

David Straite’s co-counsel Steve Grygiel added:

”Anyone who cares at all about their personal privacy, or the broader constitutional right to privacy, ought to care and care a great deal about this case.”

What do you think to this news?

Is it getting blown out of proportion? Or is this kind of privacy invasion best nipped in the bud early before we hand over too much control blindly to the “powers that be”?

Anthony Munns]]> 1
The Divided States Of SmartPhones – US Users Tracked State By State Mon, 08 Aug 2011 11:16:06 +0000 What smartphone operating system does your state favour?

Have you always wanted to know if your home state was a little bit more Android biased than iOS?
In the same way that your generally a Republican or Democrat, a really nice graphic has emerged from JumpTap showing the predominance of the main smartphone operating systems state by state, with a neutral badge given to states that are too close to call.

US smartphone operating system statistics?

What the map does show is that users in the South and West tend to be Android biased whereas the North East/New England and Mid Western areas tend to favour iOS.

What the data reflects:

The data is not based on market share or shipments but is based on Jumptaps data recorded through its extensive advertising network hitting 83 million users, so its fair to say its probably pretty accurate.

Interestingly they included the over indexed blackberry device that is most popular in New York over Android or iOS. Perhaps business users consume more data? and with NYC’s huge population and Blackberry initially being marketed as being the business persons smartphone, could it be tha this will soon become Android or iOS territory as both are pushing hard on RIM’s operating system?

Does this map/graphic make sense to you, or do you feel your state is wrongly singled out with an incorrect smartphone bias on actual handsets?

Anthony Munns]]> 2