Another Naughty Blackberry CEO Charged With Causing Stampede In Indonesian Store

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Blackberry Stampede In Indonesia – former CEO Charged:

A promotional event in Jakarta last month, caused such a huge amount of people to turn up, that the event turned into mayhem after a stampede occurred.

Stampede at Blackberry Store In Jakarta
Stampede at Blackberry Store In Jakarta

The former CEO of Research in Motion’s Indonesia arm Andrew Cobham will be charged after the incident at the store, where many people passed out as the rush to get a bargain Blackberry was not managed well.

A Reuters report on the event shows that the former RIM CEO was responsible for the promotional event and will face negligence charges.

This comes about after two other RIM employees were handcuffed to a plane and forced to make an Air Canada pilot make an emergency landing after getting so drunk on a scheduled trip to China.

Store event saw 50% discount for 1000 lucky winners:

Police investigator Budi Irawan said:

“The suspect has been banned from travelling overseas. He must go through the legal process here,”

This means that Cobham, if found guilty, could get a maximum of nine months in jail in Indonesia

Indonesia is a key growth market for RIM with some 2 million active users and steady demand. This comes about as the middle classes in the country expand and disposal income increases.

Anthony Munns