Charlie Sheen Tweets Justin Bieber His Real Mobile Number On Twitter

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Socially “ridiculous” Charlie Sheen posts own number on Twitter to Justin Bieber:

Oh dear, who has been a silly boy. Although no big deal in the grand scheme of things, I find it quite amusing that Charlie Sheen was reaching out to a mere child and asking him to phone him, I wonder what for?


“310-954-7277 Call me bro. C”

Now, call me a cynical old prune, but that just sounds a bit creepy doesn’t it?

Wonder if they both had access to the children and were looking to go for a McDonalds with the kids?

Charlie Sheen Gives Justin Bieber And 5.5 Million Twitter Followers His Number
Charlie Sheen Gives Justin Bieber And 5.5 Million Twitter Followers His Number

Charlie Sheens mobile phone crashes:

After the blunder, and with 5.5 + million people potentially gaining instant access to his own cell number while he was rumoured to be at the Michelin-starred restaurant Guy Savoy in Las Vegas, you can guess how many people tried the number for a laugh, and of course the phone went into meltdown, with 1,800 texts and many calls within minutes.

With Charlie Sheen and Justin Bieber both going through the rumour and emotional mill currently, (Sheen seems to stay on this wheel most of the time).

I wonder if a mis-guided Bieber is seeking support from an expert in extra curricular affairs and dog gone relationships?

Bieber, you are barking up the wrong tree there my friend, unless you plan on going all rock and roll when you hit puberty and sticking white powder up your nose in your teens, silly me that was what it was all about anyway!

Bieber and Sheen rock!…salt.

Anthony Munns