Photo – Mobile News | Mobile Inquirer Smartphone, Tablet and Technology News and Reviews Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:21:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Samsung Galaxy S3 Leaked Photos Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:21:53 +0000 Galaxy S3 Leaked Photos From CES 2012:

This years CES was by and large quite dull for me, yeh, we saw a few fantastic looking new devices such as a new Lenova Intel K800 smartphone and some cool cameras and TV’s, but to be honest nothing at all really made me go WOW….I am open to suggestions though, as there was a fair bit of “stuff” being shown and only so many hours in the day!

What has caught my eye today though, is the suggestion that the new Samsung S3 may have been spotted by “accident” in the Samsung show at CES 2012.

Here is the picture of a device that could just be a mock up or may in fact be what the new device will look like, and if it as an edge to edge device then we are sure it may feature Gorilla Glass 2 which is a remarkable material that was a plus point of CES 2012 and we covered it here.

Samsung S3 Leaked Shot CES 2012
Samsung S3 Leaked Shot CES 2012

And if that was not enough, here is video suggestion that this device could in fact be the new Samsung S3 and it comes in at the 7.12 mark.

With a similar camera placing as the S2 it could be a close replica of what to expect from Samsung in the coming few weeks and months.

We have already talked about a Samsung Galaxy S3 release date but to be honest it is all pretty much rumor right now.

What do you think to this photo, more like a beefed up Galaxy Note or could it indeed be a Samsung S3?

Anthony Munns]]> 1
Kodak To File For Bankruptcy Thu, 05 Jan 2012 10:43:05 +0000

Have Kodak hit hard times and accepted that the show is over as bankruptcy looms:

Did you know that Kodak actually invented the Worlds first digital camera in 1975.

So, with Kodak having a huge list of “firsts” under their belt, it is rather a sad day when an originally innovative company such as Kodak, who had such global weight in the technology and imaging sector, looks like it will decide to file for bankruptcy as it can not compete in any of the territories it currently operates in, and in some cases dominated. Believing that Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is the way forward.

Kodak To File For Bankruptcy
Kodak To File For Bankruptcy

This type of bankruptcy gives a corporation some time to continue trading and hopefully find a rescue package while benefiting from certain bankruptcy rules that normally apply.

Kodak sell off patents:

When you are a 131 year old company with Kodak’s pedigree (albeit somewhat off kilter of recent years) you are likely to have some pretty juicy patents in the cupboard, and Kodak are well and truly in the market for selling some of these off.

With a rumored 1,100 patents Kodak are wanting to claw back some cash in the run up to the expected bankruptcy filing, and are hoping that they can then obtain a $1 billion package that will aid their operational requirements while they are going through the bankruptcy proceedings, with an unknown outcome at the end of this process.

Kodak bankruptcy will mean job losses?

With Kodak currently employing some 19,000 + people globally, many will be worried that this news could signal the death of the company that pays their wages in the coming months.

In a rather sombre note, Mr Eastman the Kodak founder took his own life aged 77 saying:

“To my friends, my work is done. Why wait?”

I wonder if his legacy will see Kodak the company see the same fate, or, if the raising of capital after the sale of patents and a rally for cash, will be enough to look into keeping other areas alive that Kodak operate in, though these look decidedly scary from an investors view.

With Kodak recently deciding to focus on the printer market and only managing to achieve just short of 3% market share in the months up to the end of 2011, what do you think Kodak should do?

Kodak’s Illustrious past:

Here is an infographic list of Kodak Historic Milestones achieved in their 130+ years of trading so far.

Is it likely they will find a buyer for the company while under chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, or will they slowly let the company die, while salvaging as much cash from the sale of patents on the way?

Anthony Munns]]> 0
Flickr Gets A Pasting As Competitors Loom Sat, 04 Jun 2011 11:27:56 +0000 Flickr the popular photo sharing site owned and developed by Yahoo has taken a bashing recently for its bad user design…..we ask why?

When one of your own designers (Timoni West) publicly tears apart a fundamental design flaw in Flickr as part of the user experience in her own blog, you know that the rot is likely to have set in at the Flickr camp for some time.

So who is the main competitor on the scenes?

The name we keep hearing about is 500px a plucky little upstart that has just found itself with a Series A funding windfall of around $500,000 thanks to its attention to user experience and the various ways it aims to stick to its core ethos of helping photographers reach a wider audience.

How are they going to differentiate from the rest?


Flickr never really allowed much engagement with its sterile complicated interface.

Dig like buttons:

People love to vote and share its what makes the Internet social.

Ipad and Iphone support:

We all know how good photos look on an Ipad so they have developed a fancy HTML5 and JavaScript based app so you can look and share your photos with friend in style.

Flickr dead?

Well if the essence of Timoni’s post is to be taken in full context, the fact that it was written after a proposed total overhaul of the user experience was pitched a year ago and nothing actioned.

It does look like Flickr could be taking things way too slowly to steer a course of beneficial outcomes for the team and company in the near future, time will obviously tell.

Your voice?

So what do you think of the Flickr issues?

And when you have had chance to evaluate 500px let us know where you think they succeed and perhaps also are currently failing….we love to hear your constructive comments!

Editorial Staff]]> 0