Verizon To Release New Set-Top Boxes

Verizon Will Launch A Home Media Server In 2012

Verizon will release an all singing all dancing new Media Server that will eventually be able to make small satellite set-top boxes redundant. And connect to your IP loving new home gadgets wirelessly through Wi-Fi.

Verizon Nexus Signal Problems

Galaxy Nexus Signal Problems On Verizon

Are you having Galaxy Nexus Signal Problems? Well you are not alone as we are haring many people complain of low signal strength and dropped calls, we examine how you can sort the issues out and ask for help identifying alternative solutions.

Carrier IQ Sees Class Actions Brought Against Them In Delaware Court System

Carrier IQ Lawsuits Grow

Carrier IQ and companies that used their software, are under attack for breaching civil liberties and taking privacy matters in their own hands. We learn a little more about the company and find out how the legal landscape is shaping up now that the cat is well and truly out of the bag.