Display – Mobile News | Mobile Inquirer https://www.mobileinquirer.com Smartphone, Tablet and Technology News and Reviews Mon, 16 Jan 2012 12:36:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3 iPad 3 Release Date Update LTE And Improved Display https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-release-date-update-lte-and-improved-display/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-release-date-update-lte-and-improved-display/#comments Mon, 16 Jan 2012 12:36:05 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1522 iPad 3 Release Date March?

With a very late review of the iPad 2 coming soon, it is nice to look at news of the new iPad 3 and speculate on what areas it will improve on its older brother.

The iPad 3 is due for release in March, and Bloomberg seem to think that the new device will have a sharper screen courtesy of a High Def display and also feature LTE access which we expected anyway.

A speed increase will be delivered via a quad core chip, and while suppliers are not named in the article, it has been rumored that the ramp up in production will mean February is a key time period in the pre-iPad 3 calendar as full steam will be well and truly ahead on the production lines.

With Apple now selling more than 40 million iPads globally, the tablet has brought revenues of some $25.3 billion into Apples coffers.

LTE key to future of mobile devices:

With space running out on conventional network bandwidth, and a boom in smartphone and tablet use putting ever increasing pressures on data transfer via the traditional internet networks, LTE will bring two important new areas to mobile devices:

Speed and increased efficiency of data transfer.

Both will work together in helping the globe go more mobile, and stop further clogging up of the networks as more of the populations of the US, Europe, Asia and the world go mobile crazy and demand more bandwidth while out and about.

With China having their Lunar New Year holiday in February, and Foxconn being the main assemblers of the iPad 3, it is thought that the device will start being delivered to customers in March at the earliest.

With news on an Apple event to be held next week related to education, we are not expecting to hear the above information from the horses mouth any time soon.

So does this kind of news excite you about the new iPad or are they simply beefing up an already capable tablet PC, and if so, what do you think they should be looking at including in order to cement their status as the manufacturer of the best Tablet PC on the market?…Arguably.

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2012/ipad-3-release-date-update-lte-and-improved-display/feed/ 7
Infographic – Size Of Mobile Device Screen Influences Click Through Rates (CTR) https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/infographic-size-of-mobile-device-screen-influences-click-through-rates-ctr/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/infographic-size-of-mobile-device-screen-influences-click-through-rates-ctr/#respond Sat, 17 Dec 2011 20:57:52 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=1172 Size of mobile device screen dictates click through rate:

Have you ever wondered if the size of the device screen influenced how many people will click on an advert?

This infographic by inneractive nicely illustrates that the larger the screen the higher the CTR (click through rate).

Click Through Rate Increases With Device Display Size
Click Through Rate Increases With Device Display Size
Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/infographic-size-of-mobile-device-screen-influences-click-through-rates-ctr/feed/ 0
iPhone 5 To Have 4 Inch Screen Display https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/iphone-5-to-have-4-inch-screen-display/ https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/iphone-5-to-have-4-inch-screen-display/#comments Tue, 22 Nov 2011 14:54:47 +0000 http://www.mobileinquirer.com/?p=788 Steve Jobs wishes discarded now he has passed away?

Seemingly against Steve Jobs’ wishes the rumour mill appears to suggest that the highly anticipated iPhone 5 will have a 4 inch display pushing the overall size of the device by some 8mm in length.

iLounge goes on to suggest that the device will be lacking a few curves and will feature more flat spaces like the iPhone 4 with the casing to be potentially constructed form Aluminium like the iPod touch, the need to ensure that modern LTE connections work effectively means that internally space is once more at a premium so out go curves in favour of more ridged and spacious angular internal design, something I am not averse to in general.

iPhone 5 4 Inch Display
iPhone 5 4 Inch Display

iPhone 5 due soon?

It looks like the next iPhone 5 will be released in summer of 2012 as Apple appear to still be in the engineering phase before production kicks of in earnest once design and functionality testing has been ironed out and approved, and it also looks likely that the next generation iPad 3 will also be out in mid 2012.

Why was Steve Jobs so against the extra screen real estate?

It appears that in typical controlling ways the man that brought us the whole “iConcept” wanted to ensure that all iPhone devices appeared the same, so stretching a new Apple iPhone screen would produce fragmentation in experience levels for users of the device, and this would lead the iOS system into a messy fragmented mess (I a exaggerate for effect here), and we all know what Apple love more than anything, and that is standardisation where things work as they should with very little extra input needed at all.

I personally do not see what the concern is about, as this kind of development is natural and is seen in other device manufacturers range with no major issues at all.

iPad 3 to be thicker?

On a similar area, it also appears that the new iPad 3 will feature a slightly more bulky exterior by 0.77 mm, this extra fraction of room will allow the device to contain the circuitry and electronics needed to display the much anticipated “ultra high resolution” display that is promised to be included on the next generation iPad.

Are you looking forward to the next arrival of the iPad and iPhone? and what would you like to see included in the design and functionality of these much loved devices?

Anthony Munns]]>
https://www.mobileinquirer.com/2011/iphone-5-to-have-4-inch-screen-display/feed/ 6