Is Gorilla Glass The Only Tough Ape In The Mobile Jungle?

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Gorilla glass gets a run for its money:

With the Galaxy Nexus shipping without the famed Gorilla Glass as it’s main barrier to knocks and scratches and many consumers worried that there lovely new smartphone will end up scratched to the proverbial bu**ery as a result, this video may just put some minds to ease after quite a rigorous test showing that the Samsung alternative with its fortified glass is perfectly capable of competing with the Gorilla in the mobile jungle.

Galaxy Nexus Gorilla Glass Alternative
Galaxy Nexus Gorilla Glass Alternative

Scratch test:

So as you can see SamsungMobilerDom had a good go at delivering a hefty payload to the phone, but went on to show that if you have the balls to do it, keying this phone will not affect the screen in any obvious way, he quite clearly has a good go at scratching the surface but absolutely nothing happens, which goes to show that Gorilla Glass is not the only glass to offer this kind of protection.

Could this actually be better than Gorilla Glass

With the above test proving pretty convincingly that the phone can withstand scratches from hard materials such as metal keys, he then went on to show us that the device can also withstand a few knocks also, more specifically being thrown down a flight of carpeted stairs and by all means find the video as a response in the original videos comments though I am unsure how impressive this actually was.

We will be taking a good look at the Galaxy Nexus in a review coming next week so stay tuned.

Anthony Munns