Design – Mobile News | Mobile Inquirer Smartphone, Tablet and Technology News and Reviews Thu, 12 Jan 2012 17:13:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 iPad 3 Release Date Update – Design To Stay Same Thu, 12 Jan 2012 17:13:16 +0000 iPad 3 design to stay the same:

The old saying “why fix it if it ain’t broken” applies to the iPad almost perfectly.

Here we have an icon of design that is so well executed it has not only spawned masses of imitators, with only the ASUS Transformer Prime coming anywhere near close to outshining the original tablet PC, but it also refuses to alter after years at the top.

So with this in mind, what do you really want of the new iPad 3?

Many will say;

“I want Apple to reinvent the wheel,”

And expect them to always bring them the new, slimmer, sexier iPad that we expect every few years.

Sorry to disappoint the design junkies:

I am afraid it looks like the next iPad will stay the same in design.

Now let us look at another saying that may make you happier.

“It is what is on the inside that counts.”

Yes your parent(s) or guardians should have told you this when you were younger, otherwise you probably turned into a narcissistic, drug addled little shit that has needed “help” ever since.

I am not one for religion in particular, but there are some decent elements at the base of most, and we shall be focusing on one of these humanistic levels for the next iPad.

Sure, the new version is likely to feature some nice features, but they will mainly be inside the device and we hope will more than make up for a lack of a new coat.

So what will be inside the new iPad 3?

You know Apple do not tell a thing prior to releases so let us do some fortune telling here.

Now according to iLounge’s Jeremy Horwitz, he has touched and smelt the iPad 3 at CES 2012 over in Las Vegas. But we all know that Apple are not showing at the event.

So are people using the new iPad 3 unwittingly, if so, this sounds like it could be a bit of a lacklustre update visually, so what is going on underneath?

Well if rumours are to be believed the new iPad will be 1mm thicker with an improved camera to the top left corner, rumours of a smaller display were neither agreed nor shown as proof, but there has been talk.

iPad 3 due March 2012 – iPad 4 due Q4 2012?

With all this in mind, we would like to point you to our other article on the iPad 3 release date, that predicted pretty much the equivalent of an iPhone 4S update to the iPhone 4 for the next model of iPad, with a much bigger release of the iPad 4 to be expected later this year or early in 2013.

I also think that a price cut may be on the cards, and the new iPad 3 may sell for $100 less than it costs now, simply in order to stay competitive in this marketplace that Apple so desperately want to dominate.

Anthony Munns]]> 2
iPhone Prototype Revealed 1983 First Edition Sat, 31 Dec 2011 12:49:44 +0000 Prototype iPhone from 1983:

There is no doubt that Apple innovate, and it is partly why I generally love them, yes I am getting dismayed with Apple of late, but it was inevitable that they would turn more demonic as they grew older, corporations often go this way in the end.

Amazing pictures of touchscreen phones from Apple:

Here we have what can arguably be considered an initial foray into iPhone territory with a device that offers phone like functionality with a touchscreen surface, this type of technology could add weight to some of the patent fights that Apple is currently undergoing in the courts against many rival companies.

And news that they had a working touchscreen phone back in 1983 proves the point, so not only is this picture proof of their desires, it appears that the phone was more than just a concept and was actually made into fully fledged prototypes.

Apple iPhone Prototype
Apple iPhone Prototype

Stylus v finger:

It would also appear that the first touchscreen phones that Apple devised where controlled using a stylus rather than the touchscreens that we know and love nowadays.

Indeed the phone never actually made it onto production as we all know, but the rumors are that it was designed by the German-American Harmtut Esslinger, and he is reported to be the guy behind the Apple IIc, this being one of Apples first moves into the portable computer market.

Tablet picture:

Stanford university keep a stockpile of Apple documents, and in these there appears to even be a picture that looks remotely like a tablet computer, showing just how much work and detail Apple put into innovation and R&D, indeed you can not knock them on this, and if they want to be controlling while now being the most cash rich tech company globally then we are sure that they really are not interested.

Anthony Munns]]> 4
Samsung Redesign Galaxy Tab For German Market Sun, 20 Nov 2011 00:11:00 +0000 Legal issues force Samsung to redesign their Galaxy tab for the German market:

Samsung bowed down to a court ruling related to the sale of their popular tablet in Germany after a ruling many weeks ago declared that the tablet was rather too close to the Apple iPad, the result of which has meant that the South Korean firm have gone away and after withdrawing their tablet from this huge market, have now come back with a revised design that has an altered metal frame and a shift of speaker position to counteract copycat claims.

New Galaxy tab specifically for Germany:

Samsung redesign their Galaxy tab for the German market
Samsung redesign their Galaxy tab for the German market

The new design will be released to Germans on the 21st November just in time for Christmas and should allow Samsung a chance to gain a little more traction with their otherwise popular Galaxy tablet in the biggest European marketplace.

Samsung fight back:

The legal landscape between Apple and Samsung sees many cases being fought between the firms, it has all got really rather messy in the smartphone and tablet arena for the two tech giants.

Samsung have retaliated heavily with an attempt to ban the iPhone 4 from sale in France, Italy, Germany and Australia. A hearing in Paris due on the 18th of November will show if Samsung will have one up on Apple in time for the festive period after being shut out of Germany for so long with their Galaxy tab.

Apple involved with many lawsuits:

Samsung is not the only company involved in disputes with Apples legal team, though their are currently around 30 cases between the two firms globally.

Nokia, Microsoft, and HTC are also Involved in litigation with Samsung with Microsoft, Nokia and HTC challenging Apple over over the use of the term “app store”.

We expect a fair bit more of this type of tit for tat to occur as technology looks more and more similar month by month, any pressure put on manufacturers to delay release dates or recall already released models significantly affects a model’s chances of getting traction prior to a new release by a competitor, so this legal “game” is pretty much par for the course now in the fast moving mobile tech world.

Anthony Munns]]> 1