Windows Mango – Mobile News | Mobile Inquirer Smartphone, Tablet and Technology News and Reviews Mon, 12 Dec 2011 23:23:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nokia Lumia 710 Release Date January Mon, 12 Dec 2011 23:15:49 +0000 Nokia Lumia 710 Budget Windows Phone Released January?

With the recent launch of the new Nokia Windows range with the arrival of the Nokia Lumia 800 here in the UK, it was only a matter of time before the highly anticipated Nokia Lumia 710, codenamed “Sabre” was released to the UK and US, but, it has not arrived quickly.

As the device was aimed at emerging markets, it has already been released in certain European and Asian countries, but has yet to find a home in the US or UK, so what is it, and when will it be released?

Nokia Lumia 710 January UK Release Date
Nokia Lumia 710 January UK Release Date

So what is the Nokia 710?

Way back when, we did a review of the Nokia Windows Smartphone Range and discussed the various Nokia Lumia’s that would appear on sale over time.

And many have forgotten that there was also going to be a budget priced Lumia, and that is exactly what the Lumia 710 is. A cut-price, scaled down Lumia 800 for emerging markets like India, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore and Taiwan and people on a tighter budget.

Nokia Lumia 710 to arrive in early 2012:

The main differences that the Lumia 710 will have when compared to the Lumia 800 is this:


  • Camera quality (5MP)
  • Single flash
  • No hardware navigation buttons
  • LCD instead of AMOLED display
  • Smaller 8GB of on board storage


Having said that it will still boast the same Windows Mango O/S, and the nifty 1.4GHz processor and stunning 3.7 inch display, I have to say after using the Nokia Lumia 800 briefly in store, that I really like the device in general, as the whole phone just works so well.

This is unlike many Android phones I have also used, which just lack that certain “on the ball” quality when it comes to typing in passwords and generally using the device, call me lazy, but I just like stuff to work well, and I am really not into hacks and workarounds to get extra pizazz out of my phone, life is too short.

Nokia 710 release date:

Here in the UK it is who seem to think that the Lumia 710 will see UK store shelves after the 6th of January when they seem to suggest that stock is due to arrive, we are currently unsure when the US will see their Lumia 710 or 800 devices but expect them to be pretty soon around this date. This is assuming that they release these models and do not develop a purpose built model for the US. The carrier is rumoured to be T-Mobile by the way for the US Nokia Lumia series. Though we have talked about the even smarter looking Nokia Lumia 900 coming the US way soon.

Of course in the case of the UK release date, this is still all very much rumourville, but really makes a lot of sense, as this was the ball park date that was muted ages ago.

With the Lumia 800 said to be under-performing in sales one minute, and doing really well the next, it still makes sense for Nokia to get a budget version out ASAP as their marketing campaigns are starting to get noticed in various locations and on different mediums.

It is likely that the Lumia 710 will be sub £250 for a SIM free device, which is around £150 cheaper than the current Lumia 800.

What do you think of the Lumia series, are you tempted yet?

Anthony Munns]]> 5