Galaxy Tab 11.6 – Mobile News | Mobile Inquirer Smartphone, Tablet and Technology News and Reviews Mon, 12 Dec 2011 17:32:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 Release Date – Including Retina Display Like iPad 3 Mon, 12 Dec 2011 17:32:59 +0000 Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 Release Date:

2012 looks like being a good year for tablets as they come of age and become seriously powerful and functional, yes, Samsung are also releasing their new flagship Samsung Tab 11.6 in early 2012.

Samsung are such copycats!

News that the iPad 3 release date may be launched earlier than anticipated, has come as quite a revelation, mainly due to the fact that there seemed to be an issue with the manufacturing process for the new ultra high resolution retina display, that will be included as standard on the new iPad 3 devices.

Samsung’s new tablet to boast same retina display as iPad 3:

So, not content with stealing Apple’s design patents (allegedly) in the iPhone and iPad in general, Samsung have also copied Apple with their own exploding phone that exploded recently just like the infamous exploding Apple iPhone.

And now in typical “I wanna be like you” flattery, the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 will also, it is rumoured, feature a 2560 x 1600 high resolution display and a 16:10 aspect ratio.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 Release Date Retina Display
"I wanna be like you"

With BGR citing a “trusted” resource for the news the article also goes on to suggest that Samsung will be unveiling the new tablet at the Mobile World Congress this coming Spring, which makes a lot of sense, as this is when they have historically displayed their new Galaxy 10.1 and 8.9 tablet devices.

The new Samsung Galaxy tab 11.6 will also boast Ice Cream Sandwich as the O/S of choice and also house a Dual Core Exynos 5250 Processor, clocked at 2GHz, similar to the A6 CPU fond in Apples new iPad 3.

I wonder if the new marketing campaign for the Galaxy tablet 11.6 will beat the utter dross that Samsung initially released as promos videos for the Samsung S2 which they now hide from Youtube viewers by “unlisting” them?

So are you looking forward to this new Android based device now that the Android market has come of age?

Anthony Munns]]> 14