Digital – Mobile News | Mobile Inquirer Smartphone, Tablet and Technology News and Reviews Thu, 24 Nov 2011 17:11:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Samsung Will Build Google Smart Televisions Thu, 24 Nov 2011 17:11:02 +0000 Samsung chosen as next gen Google TV manufacturer:

With Google TV not getting the most rapturous feedback and adoption rates just yet, it is interesting to see that Google have not given upon the TV aspect of their long term objectives.

You can already get Google TV on some Sony models and Logitech set top boxes so it is interesting to hear that Samsung also have got a collaborative product coming out soon.

Samsung Build Google TV
Samsung Build Google TV

Samsung and Google have had a rewarding relationship of late, with Samsung’s Android based smartphones starting to dominate the mobile device market, and Google’s Android being the O/S of choice for Samsung’s new line of phones.

It is therefore a fitting payback from Google that they have teamed up with Samsung as a Google TV manufacturer of choice.

President of Samsung’s TV division – Yoon Boo-keun, states that they are in late stage talks with the big G and will be rolling out the TV’s some time soon, with an excepted appearance at “an event next year”. It was also stated that this particular flavour of Google TV woudl be different from the crop so far.

This is a much needed boost for the platform which has not been well received by and large, with Logitech claiming that the relationship with Google cost them $100 million as the product was not fully complete while they were creating the devices that incorporated the technology.

Google have partnered up with some bog names, Netflix, obviously YouTube are starting to offer more premium quality content also, so maybe this technology is just a bit too early for most and that annoying period of chicken and egg type issues is what is causing the mixed reception and lack of demand.

So will Google TV eventually be ready and well received, we will have to wait and see.

I do foresee that the TV more than a computer will be much more interactive and that this type of platform will become the future of on demand entertainment from various technologies and platforms, it just makes total sense.

Anthony Munns]]> 2