Samsung Nexus S Ice Cream Sandwich Update Problems

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Problems with Ice Cream Sandwich update for Nexus S

After telling you all about the newly released Ice Cream Sandwich update for the Samsung Nexus S, it has now come to our attention from our fantastic readers that they are not having the best of luck with this update. even though it has apparently gone through tests to iron out issues prior to a global roll out over the course of the next month or so.

Android 4 Ice Cream Sandwich Nexus S Update Problems
Android 4 Ice Cream Sandwich Nexus S Update Problems

One issue is, that MMS messaging is disabled.

Paul Boone:

I updated and now I can’t send or receive MMS messages! DON’T GET THE ICS upgrade until they fix this!

Luciano Muller Nicoletti

Another seems to be that Google + instant upload does not work.

Google+ Instant Upload does not work anymore after upgrading my Nexus S to ICS :

We will try to keep you updated with news on any other issues and a link to go for help.

Have you had problems with your upgrade to Android 4.0 ICS on your Samsung Nexus S?

If you have, please let us know in the comments section and be as specific as possible so we can ensure people are getting the right help and not duplicating similar sounding issues that are being reported.


Our advice right now would be to stay in tune to our news and other news related to the upgrade and new operating system, and wait a few more weeks for the update so most of the issues are resolved that should have been ironed out before the general release.

If you can also tell us what countries you are getting the update available from that may help us see how Google are rolling out the update.

Thank you.

Anthony Munns