iPhone Catches Fire On Plane

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Apple iPhone mysteriously Catches Fire On Plane:

Currently no one really knows why, but a passenger on an internal flight with Australia’s ‘Regional Express’ had an unfortunate situation when they realised that their iPhone was glowing red and had caught fire during the flight.

iPhone catches fire on plane
iPhone catches fire on plane

Flight attendants apparently had to douse the iPhone after the device started smoking.

Air safety officials to probe reasons:

The device was passed over to the ATSB for analysis, and Regional Express said they will not be issuing any comments until the investigations are over.

Officials have said that Apple will be consulted throughout the inquiry.

A spokesperson for the Australian Transport and Safety Bureau (ATSB) has told AFP:

“We have no previous records of iPhones undergoing spontaneous self-ignition, we do have the phone, it’s in our custody, and we will be undertaking a technical examination of it.”

Apple said they are looking forward to working with the investigators to see exactly what happened on the flight and why the iPhone met such an unsightly demise!

Anthony Munns