iPad 3 Amazing Battery Life But How

Apple iPad 3 – Huge Battery 10 Hour Target

Apple’s new iPad 3 will feature a battery that offers nearly twice the power of the iPad 2 and it will need it. But how have they done this and will it really last that magic 10 hour mark that Apple want to offer all iPad’s

Graphene Will Improve Smartphone Battery Life Up To Ten Times

Smartphone Battery Life Increased Ten Times Using Graphene

Graphene seems to have the answers to everything, here we look at some amazing research that suggests that scientist and engineers will be able to create a smartphone battery that will be able to last ten times longer and charge up to ten times quicker, all with a little help from Graphene.

iPad 2 Top 5 Accessories List

Top 5 iPad Accessories And Gifts

iPad accessories are all the rage once you have gone deep into Apple land and realised that there is so much more that this tablet can do than simply pinch and grab it! We give you the low-down on the top 5 accessories for you to consider buying to improve your Apple iPad’s functionality and protect it a little more.