ASUS Padfone Tablet In Disguise

ASUS Padfone Release Date And Preview

So your in the market for a smartphone and tablet?, Well if so, could ASUS have the answer to all your device prayers with a hybrid device that works as both or together, all hail the padfone!

ASUS Offer UK Owners Of The Transformer Prime Refund Or Extended Guarantees

ASUS Transformer Prime Customers To Get Refund

ASUS UK to offer owners of the new Transformer prime a full refund for 3G or WiFi issues or those who have had problems with Ice Cream Sandwich updates on their device, they also offer an extended 18 month warranty to those who look to keep their nice new Android device.

ASUS Transformer Prime Ice Cream Sandwich Update

ASUS Transformer Prime Ice Cream Sandwich Update CES

ASUS Transformer Prime gets Ice Cream Sandwich update and the rest of the tablet is also due a technical upgrade that will incorporate a few extra tweaks to the camera, display and also solve a few issues that faced US consumers after its eventual US release.

ASUS Transformer Prime Release Delivery Update

ASUS Transformer Prime Delivery Update

Still waiting for the arrival of your ASUS transformer prime? We keep you updated in news of stick levels running dry and the next shipment of the highly anticipated and in demand tablet pc.