Ubuntu On Android Mobile Operating Systems See More Covergence

Ubuntu On Android – A Revolution In Operating Systems?

Will the one operating system approach work now that we have mobile devices as powerful as high end laptops and desktops PC’s? Ubuntu seem to think that there is a market and want to make Android device manufacturers install their operating system on every device so you can be truly mobile at the office and away.

Pentagon Chooses Android

Pentagon Goes Android

Pentagon Picks Android O/S: With Apples close eye on security, some may ask, why the hell would the US Department of Defence and the Pentagon go for Android? Yes, according to a report by Android…

LG Release Ice Cream Sandwich Update Schedule For 2012

LG Ice Cream Sandwich Update

Do you own an LG phone and want your fix of Ice Cream Sandwich? Well you will not have to wait long as LG have announced the release dates of the upgrades and will be staggering these between April and September 2012.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus Volume Bug Fixed

Samsung Galaxy Nexus Volume Bug Fixed

The release of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus was not without problems. An issue related to the volume caused the Ice Cream Sandwich based device to lower the call volume and a reboot was the only option to solve the problem. however a solution is now provided as a free upgrade.