Smartphones Expected to Sell Well This Christmas Though Kindle Could be Surprise Winner

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What will sell more at Christmas? The iPad or iPhone or even the Kindle Fire?

As holiday season approaches and Santa starts getting all those emails to sort through, we take a look at an Experian Hitwise report for the UK which suggests that the iPhone will be the hot property for UK buyers this Xmas, and iPads will be the gadget of choice for our cousins over the pond.

Smartphones are hot property this Xmas:

Phones will be a third more popular online than iPads this Christmas. If search intent was reflected in sales, for every three iPads Apple sold this Christmas they would sell four iPhones.

Yes the smartphone is now trickling down into the realms of normality now as more and more people are upgrading to devices such as iPhones with tablet computers coming in as a close competitor but nowhere near as in demand as smartphones, unless you are in the US!

It seems that US buyers can not get enough of tablets and indeed this is the hot property for festive buyers this Christmas.

According to a Nielsen report the iPad is the most desired item in the 6 and over demographics (pretty much everyone) for the second year running.

iPhone not as popular for US buyers but still in the top 7 most desired items for the 13 and over age group.

Could the Kindle Fire become Xmas hit?

Amazon Kindle Fire Surprise Xmas Hit?
Amazon Kindle Fire Surprise Xmas Hit?

Many people (myself included) have predicted that the Amazon kindle fire could well become the leading gadget of the Xmas period in the US, and here is why.

When Amazon want to shift units they have such a high amount of traffic already for people who are at that “itching” stage and primed to buy, that all they need to do is drop there overall prices a touch to gain even more traffic from the comparison sites and then heavily promote the cut price Amazon kindle fire to ensure that the item becomes a real hot property, that, and a well executed mixed marketing campaign could make this tablet become the winner for gadget of the season 2011.

Google insights seem to suggest only a couple of Apple search terms are in the top ten though Amazon are currently claiming many of the spots and most of the top five.

Anthony Munns