iPad 2 Top 5 Accessories List

Top 5 iPad Accessories And Gifts

iPad accessories are all the rage once you have gone deep into Apple land and realised that there is so much more that this tablet can do than simply pinch and grab it! We give you the low-down on the top 5 accessories for you to consider buying to improve your Apple iPad’s functionality and protect it a little more.

Microsoft Office App Coming To iPad in 2012

Microsoft Office Application For iPad

Having Microsoft’s Office Suite on your iPad would make your tablet a little more like a laptop. So how important is it that Microsoft get this application out soon and ensure that people start paying them money!

iPad 3 Release Date

iPad 3 Release Date And Features

With the arrival of the next generation iPad expected to be sometime in early 2012. We take a look at one area that is looking likely to see a significant improvement, the display.

Starbucks Release UK Apps For iPhone and iPad

Starbucks Release UK App For iPhone and iPad

Do you ever feel like you want to pay less time queuing when you order and pay for your coffee at Starbucks? A new application out for the iPhone and iPad aims to cut your waiting time to ten seconds for payment of your bill.

Kindle Fire Review

Amazon Kindle Fire Review – The Lowdown

The Amazon Kindle Fire is one of the most anticipated tablets and gadgets of 2011, it is potentially a game changer for the tablet market, we review and take a look at the device and see what it offers consumers.


Web Traffic Dominated By iOS Mobile Devices

Smartphones And Tablets Dominate Web Traffic ComScore have released data showing smartphones and tablets are growing in popularity to such a large amount that they now take up a huge part of US web traffic,…

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